Jean Grey

I think she loved the idea of her child, and who she thought her child should be, but not the reality of who she was. It's sadly common, not just parent to kid but in all sorts of relationships. I refuse to write most people off as evil, though there are of course exceptions. I try to understand people, even the worst

It's really difficult not to hate this woman. I grew up in this kind of smug, judgmental, repressed religious environment. People thought they were so nice and generous when they condescended to hate the sin, etc., but the stifling of individuality, of independence, of sexuality of any kind was just so fucking stupid.

My third grade teacher to the entire class as we were practicing for the Christmas concert, "You brats better be louder than that or your parent's will stop giving you gifts as Santa and you won't get all the things on your greedy little lists."

My Daddy told us that Santa is the good in everyone's heart.

Sorry, I had to-

If two people who seemed to have literally been made for each other (by Vincent Price as The Inventor) and had perfectly subverted the issues of cohabitation can't make it, who among us can? I'll take this as proof that humans weren't meant to mate for life.

You should really look up the statistics on how often women report false accusations vs. the total number of rapes (not to mention the huge number that go unreported).

she was too drunk/high to give consent

I worked for years at a popular Georgetown 'dining saloon', and I have many stories I could tell, but for some reason this one has come to mind tonight. We were packed on a Saturday night, about three deep at the bar and my cocktail section was overflowing. The windows were open because it was a beautiful DC spring

While I do feel for our protagonist (as a person) in the Chuck-E-Cheese story, I would have been laughing maniacally at the image of the decapitated rat. I have an unmitigated hated of that place, going back over 25 years...

THIS to all those people out there who claim that 'boys will be boys' and that 'normal guys' don't have a 'rapey' bone in their bodies. Face it, people. This girl was sexually harassed and assaulted by a bunch of pre-pubescent boys and the 'adults' in charge did NOTHING to stop them. Not only that, the person who

No kidding. Hell, I'm a total pothead and that story offended me. Who the hell drugs a bunch of strangers they just met without their consent? Even people like me that enjoy that sort of thing usually want to know when it's coming (ideally not at work) and what about the people who AREN'T in to it?

Reminds me of when I was younger and someone broke into our house (happened a lot) but instead of stealing anything, they left a pot bellied pig in our basement.

did you know it's a violation of the geneva convention to broadcast pictures of delicious cookies to people who currently do not have, and cannot at present go get, delicious cookies? i'll see you at the hague.

The best part was that when my mom came to get me after I got fired (I was 16 — I couldn't drive myself yet!) she wanted to stop by the mall on the way home. There was a fancy new store that sold tapes and CDs (! — hey, this was 1986!) opening up, and they were setting up the store. In a fit of bravado I asked if they

This might have supplanted "He save bread!" as my new favorite story.


He proudly returned to his fellow Lords of the Flies and proclaimed, "Chuck E.'s a girl! And she's got tits like THIS!" making the (in)appropriate gesture most commonly associated with such a statement.

Goddamn, I swear if not for how easy FB makes it to keep in touch with people I actually like, I would get off that shit in a heartbeat.

Good news!