Jean Grey

Sometimes I forget who I had sex with for the first time because I've lied about it so much and told people it was another, way cooler and way hotter guy that I fucked a year later.

A few years ago, my aunt wouldn't shut up about how she was getting into great shape for the family reunion cruise we were gonna take in May. My other aunts/her sisters aren't small women and didn't have nearly enough time to dedicate to getting in shape (and two couldn't afford to go), so it was kind of obnoxious.

Your generation is awesome. I think you're really going to change things.

It has reached the UK and other countries. The most recent protest was for Eric Garner, there was a protest for Mike Brown a while back (around 5,000 + people came out in London).

It was our first time.

I lost my virginity to a German man during my year abroad. There was a rainstorm, I stumbled through in German to explain my thoughts, it was actually quite lovely. No regrets whatsoever.

It involved bunkbeds and gravity.

Raises hand. It was prom night and he told me if I didn't sleep with him that night he would dump me. I agreed because for some reason I thought he was too awesome to lose. He was a weightlifter who had hard callouses on his hands. He also thought ramming it in was cool. No warm up, no tenderness, nothing. It was so

While I want her to win, I don't know if that case will work. Anybody in house a law student/lawyer with thoughts on this?

Cute gif to make me feel better

I thought Ruby, through her on/off bf is the one who contacted Jezebel for the story? And then for weeks she spoke to them about what was going on and even gave them followup after she was released. Is that not consent? She was also released from a mental health facility with the judge feeling she was competent and

I have/had a neighbor like that. Rotten bitch, but now in senile dementia and completely batshit. And has generalized anxiety disorder, so any time things are out of her usual routine, she gets scared, freaks herself out, and comes over to my house, for what reasons I can't quite understand, but I'm supposed to fix

In Britain that is how we verbally destroy, whilst raising an eyebrow in disdain before sighing and putting the kettle on. I saw this story this morning and cheered her on whilst having elevenses.

Sad face: we have anti abortion protesters here. I never knew that.

Personally I much prefer her argument about the cruelty of hidden births and dumping of babies to dies in the elements in comparison to abortion. It's not something articulated often but is so valid.

I genuinely love the fact that in the UK, "Simple as." is a perfectly reasonable, logical sentence all on its own.

Demonizing fat people doesn't help. He's a bad fucking person, size has nothing to do with it.

You clearly have a biased judgment based on your username. She is not responsible for being cold clocked and dragged on the floor in the elevator. It wasn't right for her to slap him, but he didn't have to retaliate and beat the fuck out of her. She didn't deserve that.


I just hope someday she can see that video through clearer eyes. It was ugly and uncaring and she married that person. For now I'll hope she's safe. That's really the only thing I can find to do.

I had a boyfriend in college who went completely off the rails after I broke up with him. He sent 2-3 emails every day for months with violent threats that were just vague enough that the police couldn't do anything about it.