Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward

oh god! Another email from that woman!  When is that book gonna be done?

You guys just made me tear up a little. Thank you so much. I’ve only been here a month, but it’s already the best job I’ve ever had thanks to you guys. This is seriously the best place on the internet that isn’t porn. 

A little of both. There is always something to eat around and you can order 3 appetizers, two entrees and 4 desserts at dinner if you want to. With many cruise lines the variety and quality of food has gone up in the last 10 years, and you will find some more adventurous or interesting flavors and foods, plus many

The abortion she DID NOT have.

I’ve never been on a cruise because I really prefer the exploration aspect of travel more than the sitting part. Is the food interesting or is it just decadent and/or unending?

Every morning, I scour the internet looking for exciting food news to share with you guys, and I always hope I’ll be able to start your day on a high note.

I do this, too, and it is both funny and sad how they often react to asking if a manager is available. I got great service at a Best Buy, and when I was done, I asked the woman helping me if there was a manager that I could speak with. Her face fell, as she thought she had done a good job and assumed that me wanting

I think that attitude is OK as long as it’s immediately followed with “ a result, I’m going to get a second opinion from a qualified and respected expert in the field”. Skepticism is fine as long as it bends to consensus expert opinion.

Citation desperately wanted

If I get really good service at a restaurant of any kind I will ask to speak to a manager. They are usually so surprised when i share something positive. I always make sure to add that they should keep this in mind during that employee’s next review. 

EXACTLY. I don’t know when the “I don’t need no stinkin’ expert” phenomenon began and I can only hope it’ll reach its zenith soon, but I wish people would even consider the notion that a layperson cannot correctly assess everything. If you are even remotely familiar with diagnostic criteria, let alone discerning it in

Now there’s a book series. I don’t think you’ll have any problems finding a publisher. You can probably get a Netflix deal too

Wait, is this a thing? I once had a 15-year-old boy in my summer school class who made me feel uneasy for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on, and he turned out to be a 22-year-old Ukrainian national who’d overstayed his visa and was paying some family to “adopt” him. He’s now in prison on a bunch of charges.

Can Americans only relate by projecting the real punishment of a woman in Morocco to an imagined punishment of a woman in America? Not everything has to be about you. Maybe, just for once, you could care more for the actual victim of this violation despite her not being an American. Being progressive is no good if

Everyone has worth. Your depression is lying to you; that is what it does. It lies and says things were never good, and says things will never get better. I’ve looked back over some of your earlier posts, and you not at this point a few weeks ago, so your depression is lying to you if it says you never felt any better

Oh, the sweethearts! Carlotta and Aspen’s story is so adorable - I’m all mushy in my heart now.

He posted late; there are lots of Bruce pics.

Your nice kitties made me wonder WHERE IS KRISPY WITH OUR WEEKLY SHELTER CAT UPDATES? Your cats are great, but I need my weekly dose of Bruce. 

Shelter Cat Update!

I’m gonna echo Odango here. You seem to be expending a lot of energy on this friend. It’s difficult to imagine why unless maybe you enjoy the back and forth? It doesn’t sound like they’re going to change their point of view nor you yours. Perhaps you two should avoid talking politics of you’re interested in