Lady Ostrich

Helena has a few teeth missing, but her taste in clothes are just fine.

Now I want to let my friend have a muffin.

Love a good billboard vandal...

The law doesn't suit me though. Private land being rented at profit solely to bombard me with propagandist messages as I try to go about my day doesn't "suit me." I've traveled to Vermont repeatedly over the past few years, and one of the biggest aesthetic differences which is immediately apparent is that billboards

I hope Fred and Friends, the makers of these novelty baking cups, sue the surgery practice for using their product images in this ad campaign, since I'm fairly certain they didn't ok this.

Plastic surgery billboards are so classy! There's this one all over my city for breast enhancement. It has a picture of a lemon, then a picture of a grapefruit, then a picture of a watermelon. I tried to find an image for you, but I couldn't! All I found is this one (which is actually pretty funny.)

Most people (myself included) don't consider Scientology a religion. In my opinion, it's a cult. Would the Smith kids be so irritatingly eccentric if they were not involved in Scientology? Maybe. Maybe not. I'm sure being involved a cult like atmosphere while your brain is still developing might have some adverse

Your auditor finds your tweets INANE and OUT-ethics. Clay Table and Full-RPF-Thetan Rundown, STAT!

Good lord, it took a long time for the race card to be played. Unfortunate that it's now calling attention to an uneducated child who seems to think whatever is on her mind is important.

To a real school, not a Scientology home school.

Dear Rich White (Likely Blonde) Hollywood Actress,

"Booze so good it will make you fight a Christmas tree!"

I'm proud of Willow's correct punctuation usage. I can see capitalization has not yet been taught at the Willow Academy.

I feel like they would be easier to deal with if Scientology wasn't involved. If Scientology wasn't happening, Jaden might have worn a tux to the Kardashian wedding like humans do.

The Smith kids are toeing the line of tolerable and insufferable.

I am praying, you hear me, praying to Darwin for Sarah Palin to drive herself into bankruptcy, like the rock stars and rap artists with a brief successful period who get hooked on the big expenses and then can't sustain their lifestyle. I want her to show up to Kroger with her EBT card in 5 years. I want her to become

Yeezus! Are they just gonna full on make a law that women are much too stupid to be trusted with our own bodies and pregnancies?

Just not be terrible in general. First it's snakes everywhere and now it's obnoxious bigotry.

No, you're probably thinking of this:

good. How can anyone be against two people who love each other and want to commit? Baffles me.... I also love their t shirts and want to send twenty XML size ones to my cuddly bears in Edinburgh.....