Lady Ostrich


The little hooligan.

That is my most favoritest mother humping comment ever!!!

trade sacrifice for slaughter and it'll be perfec

Thank god companies get tax cuts for sending jobs overseas! I'm sure that's helped so many in their job searches.

His tribal hatred of the poor is also off putting.

You keep trying to argue about random things I wasn't talking about, are you sure you didn't get a little tipsy before hitting up Jezebel? You just don't make any sense, I was literaly only talking about Scientology and you keep trying to start arguments about other things. Are you here solely for the purpose of

I don't give two shits about her feminity, it has nothing to do with how I feel about her parents for fucking her up with Scientology. You're really reaching, and changing the subject. Keep trying.

They dropped charges against her after viewing the footage and increased charges against him.

How about we wonder if it's because she's being raised in an abusive cult that encourages members to be uneducated because it's easier to dupe them? Because scientology targets people of all races.

Incompetents always feel threatened by the talented.

Or maybe she's the by product of a creepy abusive cult and its sad and creepy.

My mom says hi.

Of course, as long as it's not your only reason.

Spot on!

Hipster butthurt is the best!

That's so rockstar of your dad.

I couldn't think of a way to put it that wasn't spoilery, I'm pretty bad at this.

I'm kidnapping you both and naming you Mr. and Mrs. Fluffybutt.

It's a scarf, there's a reason for it. I don't want to be spoilery.