Lady Ostrich

My dad, a single dad that raised three girls, used to French braid our hair for school every day. The ladies loved it lol. He now does my daughter's hair when she's over at his house :)

Ooh, that was good. Real good.

Gaspard Ulliel <3

I can't wait for the scene where he really, really hopes that he'll eventually inspire Kanye West.

I really wish any of this surprised me.

Shhhh not everyone's read the books ;)

Wig? That's a scarf.

What the ever-loving hell is happening here? Joanna's Catching Fire styling was perfect. I know this book is different, since it is the Capitol styling her, but this is awful. Stop it.


PUPPYWRINKLES oh my lord I cannot handle it.

I don't even hate their pizza that much. But I HATE Papa John himself. I'd give them more of my money if he weren't the douche king.

Hey! Paesana!

Whoa! I'm pretty sure these puppies are underage and we're all on a list somewhere now.

OMG the rolls of puppy fat.

Papa Johns is literally the worst pizza ever. I rather have 99 cent frozen pizza, at least it's honest. You don't know how happy it makes me that you agree.

- Never look directly at the camera... it ruins the moment.

-it doesn't matter whether you keep your eyes closed or if you open them at times

Where'd you guys find this video of me and my boyfriend???

Things puppies can teach you about kissing thread!