
Is it irrational to believe in the Aristotelian notion of a soul when it is a Greek concept and not a Jewish one? Is it in fact fucking stupid to believe in the existence of a soul when Jesus Christ didn’t? Logic is no friend to the Catholic Church.

That is horrifying, and I am so sorry you had to endure that.

God bless you. I can’t read more than one at a time anymore. Maybe my brain is aging prematurely?


What a fun game. And better than being burned on the stovetop or with cigarettes. And better than being forced to drink bleach.

Interesting approach. My dog - who has not been fixed because his veterinarian recommended that I wait at least a year after his abdominal surgery - learned not to mount my leg or shoe without any physical injury to his person. As with children, animals can be taught without violence.

Congratulations on your upcoming birthday!

Agreed. A “ghost” story can be composed and retold very, very well. But I find reality more chilling.

That isn’t the way the electoral college works.

Honestly, anyone who has been married and divorced twice is smart to think again before marrying a third time. Statistics are not on his side. *He* is the common denominator, and most likely, a third (and fourth, and fifth, etc) marriage wouldn’t last. I’d gather that he has a fundamental problem (or several) which

OMG, we have health trolls now? This is really a thing? Jesus.

People are going to say no, but the answer is yes. We need to invest in specialty care for the obese, and that includes obstetrics care for women of size. This will require investment in training and in renovations to existing medical facilities. I’d like to see efforts to fund these necessary changes along with

I agree. Getting pneumonia is scandalous. Anyone who has ever had it should become a vagrant, as he or she is wholly unqualified for any employment position whatsoever.

Did you read this article? Destabilization of our political and economic world order means global catastrophe.

They read?

I’m a lot more confident in my ability to run from a knife than I am in my ability to run from bullets.

Another point in the favor of goat milk: around ten percent of those of us who have cow’s milk protein allergies can safely ingest goat milk and goat milk products! I grew up on goat milk and adore the taste. Goat and sheep cheeses are fantastic. I hope more people discover them. :)

There’re also lactase pills. They come in handy, transportable, chewable tablets.

My almond milk has fewer calories and the same (or superior) nutritional benefits as are found in cow’s milk (without the breast cancer!) and soy milk. I find unsweetened almond milk to be a terrific substitute for milk in recipes and in my coffee/tea, which is all a person really needs milk or “milk” for anyhow.

My mom and I have been brainstorming what you could tax that would only affect men, so that you could halve the tax on tampons and raise the tax on men-only products. That conversation went like this: