Yes. I was told by our minister “Don’t ever think you’re going to live until adulthood. The rapture is coming at any minute!”
Yes. I was told by our minister “Don’t ever think you’re going to live until adulthood. The rapture is coming at any minute!”
I’d been home with a stomach bug for a week, and realized that I had to pay the taxes and renew the tags for my car as it was the end of the month. I’d kept down some ginger ale and crackers, so I though I was over it. I got in the incredibly long line at the DMV and started waiting. I started feeling ill, but thought…
My dress was too long, and I couldn't afford to have it hemmed, so I had to be really careful. I was, however, a little nervous about the ceremony, and when we were walking up the steps at the front of the church, I stepped on my skirt. I heard my bridesmaids gasp, as I had a brief moment of panic, then thought…
Yeah, it's satire. I mean, does ANYONE believe that $2 and change is a living wage?
I spoke at my father's funeral last month, and totally twisted the minister's nose out of joint— in that church, women do NOT speak to men. Women can sing for the congregation, but what can a woman tell a man about anything?
South Carolina. Again. Always South Carolina.
Yeah, the Pill triggered massive, constant migraines for me, too. I didn't realize I had a family history of them (my Mom had migraine without headache, which is the way to go if you HAVE to have migraines, and my maternal Grandmother had more classic migraines, but neither were ever diagnosed by doctors). FIND OUT…
So, I was an 18 year old, at a bar for the first time. At that time, you could drink wine or beer at 18, the hard stuff at 21. I'd run out of money after one wine, and an older friend said "Here, have some tea!" It was South Carolina. I assumed it was sweet tea. I was so thirsty I downed three glass quickly. …
Yup, that's all you need on a college campus — drunks with guns. YOUNG drunks with guns.
University of South Carolina '85 and '04 (GO COCKS!) weighs in against the idiot!
Yay — a wedding shoe sister! :)
I did have one slight problem. It rained on my wedding day. The chapel had no inside way to go from the dressing room to the entrance of the chapel, except going right through. So we went around the outside, me holding the top layer of my dress so the underside would get sprinkled and my maid of honor holding an…
No, he's really focused on the topic of gay marriage "for a friend." And THAT's the ticket.
I shopped online for mine. Of course, this was 1995, so there really wasn't much of an online, so I did the old fashioned thing of getting paper catalogs, looking though, and ordering. Because of finances, I was limited to the JC Penny catalog (though they had very nice dresses then). I also had to alter it myself…
It is so nice to hear someone who was adopted who is also pro-choice. Every adopted person I know believes that, had abortion been legal when their birth mothers got pregnant, they would have been aborted. Which is really sad, as well as not true.
It's amazing to me that no one ever remembers that!
Many many moons ago, when I delivered pizzas, we had a $9.99 special. Every time we delivered to a car dealership, they would have over a $10 and demand their change. Jerks.
Well, there is the distinct possibility that I'm too old-fashioned. :)
Agree with lolasocks. In addition, there's a big difference between a wedding and a rehearsal dinner. (Well, at least around here...) Rehearsal dinners SHOULD include members of the wedding party including their close family (which would not only include a child but also significant others of those in the wedding…