Has Johnny Depp always been gross, but we just didn’t notice, or did he become gross recently? Gross.
Has Johnny Depp always been gross, but we just didn’t notice, or did he become gross recently? Gross.
The difference between a white woman writing period pieces from the 80's and a white woman writing about the black experience is that the group of people you are attempting to speak for isn’t a group that has been locked out of film and television that is capable and actively clamoring to speak for themselves. Of…
Write about blackness? You’re probably right. Write good characters that happen to be black? I don’t know if I agree, but I think it misses the point; more black producers, writers, and directors behind the scenes mean more realistic and meaningful portrayals of black people on the screen. The solution is not white…
Can black stories accurately be told by people who aren’t black?
It is not that it is made up, it is more that it is probably a partial truth. Like, they were robbed at gunpoint by a dealer/pimp after asking the cabbie to take them to a drug selling point/whorehouse.
For real, most stories of tourists being robbed at gunpoint in Rio involve people trying to buy drugs and/or hiring hookers.
Lochte and co. are rumored to have been in an area where they were not supposed to be, so I can believe this. They could also have been looking for strip clubs or prostitutes. It sucks that they were robbed, but it was odd that Lochte at first denied that it even took place and even odder that Rio police want to…
A thousand bucks says they were robbed while trying to buy blow.
Simone Biles + Zac Efron is the cutest thing ever. What an adorable little meet and greet. Simone is adorable! Zac is adorable! They’re adorable together! Love this, it totally made my night.
And she COULD. That would make for some great photos too!
These are making me so happy and I don’t know why. I just love her smiley face.
Finally, someone he's taller than.
I’m not sure you need to put IMO after the phrase “dying sucks” Spencer, that’s more of a “kale is awesome” thing.
A lot of people on Jezebel love to criticize me for not being an avid Hillary supporter. I will vote for her because she isn't Trump, that doesn't mean she was my first choice. But the reason I don't trust her is that she always seemed willing to let other women's lives be destroyed by her husband so she could advance…
You can get hyper analytical, but it seems pretty clear that Bill has mistreated women for a long time and Hillary has done her best to be part of the machine that keeps him clean enough (and in the process rolling over those women) that they can accomplish their political goals in spite of his behavior.
I think the words people do and don’t feel comfortable using for sex are super interesting, like I don’t mind calling it fucking but “making love” gives me the heebies even though I don’t engage in casual sex. A friend of mine has a theory that you should only have sex with people who use the same terms as you because…
Because “You still here?” is totally frowned upon?
No words have ever been more real than when you typed “Jayden’s Mom”. *Fistbump to you from my former home on the Indiana side of the state line, where dreams go to die*
They might be too old to be Nevaeh’s, but they may have a daughter named that!