Brou'Qlinnn would be a super unique name. I'd rather Brooklyn than Dakota— a name that stinks of cultural appropriation.
Brou'Qlinnn would be a super unique name. I'd rather Brooklyn than Dakota— a name that stinks of cultural appropriation.
As someone in CA who has been under the scourge of "Bella" for 8 years, I say bring on Brooklynn! I lead a Daisy Troop of 23 6-7 year old girls and 5 of them are named Bella. That's 22%. I only know of one Brooklynn in a school of 450.
Brookelynne BrieghAnne has such a lovely flow, though!
A childhood friend of mine / family friend just named her daughter Brielle. She was going to name her Alexandria, but she didn't want people to call her "Alex" because "Alex is a boys name." She also refers to her daughter as her "baby girl" and "little princess" on Facebook all the time and refers to herself as…
sorry but anyone naming their kid brooklyn, brianna or bella is a fucking tool. and a tacky one at that.
This reminds me of how sick Dan Savage got of hearing defensive Christians say "we're not all like that!" in response to every story about fundamentalist homophobia, as though Christians were the real victims here. His argument was that as long as they didn't actively speak out against those elements in their…
Gay marriage involves two consenting parties. Beastiality involves an animal...which can't consent.
A) She is a woman, not a homosexual man.
How about dog blowjobs? Pig blowjobs? Wild moose blowjobs? DUCK BLOW JOBS
Oooh. May I?
Ahh, Ecco Domani - for that special undiscerning, condescending asshole in everyone's life.
Just in case people aren't watching the video - the picture at the top is her "before." (No, the "after" doesn't look like Jennifer Lawrence either.)
Dude. I just watched an episode where Scully hires an energy healer to work on her hospitalized friend. So...
*golf clap*
Obviously, the opposite of polar vortex is solar vortex.
This picture is so perfect my eyes moistened.