
Jihad me at hello.


Thank you.

so is fraulein a brand? I know it's German for woman (or some such) but don't really see the obvious connection to a show teaching English phrases (other than English being a Germanic language).

Thank you for sharing your story, and I'm sorry that the court system is so awful. My mother has spent tons of money fighting for custody of my brothers so that they are not with my sexually abusive step dad, but it's never an easy thing, especially when my brothers don't understand, and refuse to believe what

This makes so much sense to me, congratulations on your closure and I'm glad that her death brought you some measure of peace. Anyone with a comment other than congratulations and/or understanding, hasn't read the article or can't think beyond their own "shock" that you could talk ill of the dead. What's so shocking

Although my mother had a master's degree and worked as a high school and then college instructor, some of the same words came out of her mouth frequently. I was terrified of my mother when I was growing up, afraid to fall asleep because she might murder us in our beds. She kicked, hit, bit, and pulled out my hair.

Did you even read the article?! Jeez, this comment is so callous i'm actually kind of speechless.

No reason to speak ill of the dead, they can't hear you.

Spokesman Mark Adams said Olympic venues were not the place for political demonstrations.

Holy crap on a cracker, this is the biggest "missing the point completely" that I have seen in ages.

I dunno, this has the potential to warp into a mashup of Night of the Lepus and Watership Down at a moment's notice.

Me n my lover are going to mardi gras in New Orleans this year! I'm so excited that it's just around the corner and I'm even more excited to bring him because March 1st is his bday which he usually neglects to celebrate other peoples bdays.To see the look on his face when people flash for cheap beads will be the

Exactly, thank you for your reply. Even if a part of "our" (non-heteronormative umbrella possessive) culture becomes mainstream and is even co-opted by the outside world, our spaces and our terminology are our own. We shouldn't have to cede them in exchange for broad acceptance.

Krewe du Vieux was pretty fun last night! Lots of Olympics jokes and the most amazing bobby jindal twerk themed float.

I'm from north Louisiana, not New Orleans, but we still celebrated it when I was a kid and I miss it. Now I live in England where all they do is make pancakes. Pancakes are a Sunday food, not a once a year treat!

I'm in DC. There's a few places that do king cakes here, but they are the French kind, so not for me. God bless my parents for sending me New Orleans king cakes! (I've seen plenty of DC cops and bus drivers doing the gangsta lean, but no music that I could hear, so better?)

You can always hit up parades in Metairie or on the West Bank for more room and less to no tourists, or are talking about the Quarter? I avoid the Quarter like the fucking plague during Mardi Gras :)