Lady Miss Udo Kier

“Everything is so overplayed and heavy-handed that it’s difficult, and far from enjoyable, to witness.” Funny, that was my exact impression of Six Feet Under. And American Beauty. Those are the only 2 Ball productions I’ve bothered with. I figure if I don’t enjoy his 2 best-known and well-received works, maybe he just

The most glamorous first lady was Dolly Madison.

When are we gonna get the truth about what Kirk Douglas did with Jean Spangler?

Black Moon Rising stars a young Tommy Lee Jones

Reese’s actual two legs are touching, bent off to the side (you can see both her shoes). The vertical “leg” below her is just the inside of the back of her dress; in that lighting it looks approximately Reese-flesh-toned, but it’s just her dress.

If you don’t want me to order water don’t be a Pepsi only restaurant!

I feel like I’m just.. lost.. in the middle of all of this hate. I.. lost.. my mind watching this show. Season one was amazing. But then the show.. lost.. my interest after that. I’m glad I... found.. a reason to stop watching.

I thought Parenthood (the TV show) handled the kid’s Asperger’s well. He would occasionally make a friend for a while but for the most part he seemed oblivious to how off-putting he was, and his parents were fully aware of it (and themselves frequently annoyed/exasperated).

Tavis Smiley is going to become Tavis Frowney!

With an important assist from the mysterious, invisible Ghostwriter.

I always found the real tragedy of Tree of Life was that that innocent boy would grow up to one day become Sean Penn.

Why should he change his name? It’s the other guy that sucks.

So would “line dancing” - so lame it can’t even get two perpendicular and one other parallel lines going.


I have really, really mixed feelings (mostly bad) about the whole “white British people singing soul music” trend. Even though some of them are truly talented, I wonder how much of their success was due to the novelty factor. Oh, and don’t forget that whole “hating black music until a white person sings it, therefore

Right? That seems to be more of the outrage coming from Hoffman and his biggest supporters, doesn’t it? Not that an innocent man is being accused of something, but that the rabble is attacking their ‘betters’.

The only good thing about Lincoln in the Bardo is how it exposes anyone who thinks its a “brilliant masterpiece of genius” as a complete idiot, phony or sham. It’s unreadable nonsense drunk off experimentalism for style alone, desperately clawing its way to novel-length when it’s just another tiny kernel of a short.

But he wouldn’t get the same satisfaction of wanton excess and wasteful destruction by opening one of those. It’s the same reason he wants to run all the country, but only help a small percentage. We’re the Oreos he throws out.

There’s a phrase from computer science that comes to mind: garbage in, garbage out.

I think he meant “theatrical play” to mean “distribution strategy” and not “production.”