
Never mind. Checked IMDB. I was thinking of Marcus Alvarez.

I thought it was a really good episode. Better than Black Widower. Seems like a tough crowd here. Question: the Mayan prez, has someone replaced the actor or is this a different Mayan club?

This episode was slow. I know it will pick up. Not sure why Tara's place marker at her grave had her maiden name and not Teller. I hope Unser makes it out in one piece. I like him.

I had such a feeling of dread watching the separate scenes of Tawny and Ted. Next week should be epic.

Sun & Jin were my favorites. I liked everybody but their story tugged at my heart.

I understand that. But it's almost cut off your nose to spite your face. How silly. You love a show and it continues into a second season and you're pissed off. Makes no sense to me.

Thank you Josh Modell for your wonderful review. I think you might be the only person with something nice to say. I too enjoyed the ending and feared for Sarah's life. I will miss this show big time.

You are totally off. The first two episodes were great.

I would have to say the disgruntled were not fans as they would have loved having two seasons. I know I did. I am sorry to see it end.

Resent your comment about The Killing. Everyone needs to get over the "mystery" going for two seasons. I loved all the characters and am glad it took that long.

I don't know why I continue to read these comments. You all just try to be "cuter" than the last guy. No real serious commentary. I have enjoyed all six seasons of SOA and am looking forward to the final season. I don't think a prequel is a good idea because of the actors who have played these characters.

It was so funny to listen to Linda Park with her Scandinavian accent. And Lester is such an ass. One for saying yes to Malvo and 2nd for what he did to his wife. He needs to die next week.

Jon Cassar directed this episode. He did a lot in the previous series. Always good.

Chick the PM tells to contact MI-5 was MI-5 at one time.

I won't be watching next srason. Just what we needed, someone from Frozen. That movie sucked.

I found this episode disjointed. Not sure why Will had sex with Margot. Also must have missed something re Jack & Will's plotting. I was surprised at Will going to the darkside untol I read the review. Not a great season ender.

Yes that is how his eyes are. Learned that from Lost.

I'm glad that's over with so I don't have to watch anymore. I only watched for Hitaki. Though it did not show hom as dead. He was sprawled by hiscdead wife's body. RIP Helix.

I have to go with Game of Thrones.

I loved all the seasons of Lost, including the ending. Sometimes viewers expect too much.