
The best part was the confrontationof the trooper and Nikki and what happens next. That huge field, the silence. The music. Direction at its apex.

What happened to all the talk last week about the mystery lady and Sherlock. Did I miss something? My DVR cut out too. What was the deal. With the fire. What the lady his doctor. I thought people were saying she was his mother and a figment of his imagination. I'm confused,

Hats off to Freddy Highmore for scripting this episode. This young man is going places.

Can't let Zoe Kravitz's Don't go by unnoticed. She was great.

I had the same confusion as you. Also, last season everyone was intertwined. This season they're not. I don't care for it.

Thank you so much.

I fastforwarded through the credits, damn. So what did they show at the end? What happened to David?

Sorry folks but I like this show. Sorry it was only 10 episodes this season. I hope Netflix brings it back for S3 since it ended semi cliffhanger.

I watched for Mireille Enos. I loved her in The Killing. She's great in this but the show itself is kind of fluffy. I thought it might end with Alice, Ben and the Brit killer.

Where does the hot water for a shower come from?

Thanks rumsey. I should have binged to find out but didn't. Another strange Brit expression. I love them.

Don't you think they meant Whigs on the green?

I can live with that.

That as disappointing. I'm glad Broadchurch is back in February. So much better than Gracepoint.

SOA had it's ups & downs but it rode out with dignity. Sutter stayed true to his roots of melodrama, mayhem & blood. I am at peace.

Killing Unser somehow didn't feel right. I know it happened to move the story along but this has left Jax as unredeemable.

I didn't see Lennie James. Did I blink.

I actually liked the first 3 seasons better than the last 1 1/2.

How can you say Two and Five look alike. Callum Keith Rennie is a good looking guy.

When will this show end.