
Who plays the blonde freak who is now in charge of the drug cartel? I couldn't find him in IMDB.

Now I feel as dumb as Danny! Thanks for clarifying.

To me it looked like Chelsea was a boy. Not enough Raylan time.

I can't believe this episode got a B. I laughed out loud when I saw the guy with the two blades. It now seems like Syfy is going for camp, especially with that music. I don't see this show going beyond one season. At least I hope so. It's like a tain wreck. You can't look away.

Maybe I blinked but I didn't get the end and I'm to lazy to go back and look.

Did Norma not change the bed for four months. I like to think of Norma as the killer, given her obsession with her son.

I think Fimmel does an outstanding job. He can portray so much with a look or smile.

No mention of how hokey it is having the cult within the cult. Puhleese!

Worst acted episode ever. So wooden and stilted.

I think Penelope Wilton and Phyllis Logan are great on this show. Love the costuming.

I think they need to find someone else to do the review.

I thought I was going crazy with the episode and things I did not remember seeing. Screw up by PBS, Wow. So now next week was already watched?

Somehow I feel that this season is silly when compared to the first two. Has success gone to their heads?

Why no mention of how that infected zombie let Hitake pass. Does he give off some aura?

I don't like Raylan's new girlfriend.

It's interesting that the imdb Ratings for the episodes are almost all 9+

I find it odd that Tom is so chummy with Edna after what transpired last year.

Very disappointed they changed the music to the opening credits :). I prefer the downstairs people to the upstairs. Rather tired of Mary who I never felt was the focal point.

I live in the states so I haven't seen season 3. I liked Andrew Scott's Moriarty. The world is filled with different folks. That's what makes it great.

I like Sherlock better and I'm not thrilled with a female Moriarty. Half the time I can't tell what Johnny Lee is saying.