Lady Marjorie

Bigger than the ur Hector award-winner—a long, detailed, increasingly hilarious description of parking? I disagree!

Yes, arrogant. But also—imagine being 30 and knowing you have 64 years of doing nothing ahead of you.

And he knew he'd be a poor king. David was much better suited to gallivanting around the world than to leading a nation through the Depression and then a war. The more I read about him, the more I think clinging to Wallis was a passive-aggressive way out of the job. "Hey, I'd love to be your king, but oops I seem to

There is a mini-series from the 1970s called "Edward and Mrs. Simpson" that I watched recently on the Acorn channel. It's not as swank in production values as The Crown, but it holds up and sheds some light on their pathetic story. Also viewable on YouTube.

I wish they had found room for a line indicating that Edward's abdication was a lucky thing, because George & Elizabeth Sr. were better suited to handle the war than Edward & Wallis would have been. George sacrificed a lot, but they make it sound like he was just the victim of his meanie older brother. In fact he rose

and when your turd friends are acting like farts on a stick

Ha, that's what I was thinking too. Everyone knows there's a door in the elevator ceilings of Teeveeland.

Catalina could have set up the GoFundMe account as a general fishing expedition. Grifters are good at what they do. Set up a con and then reel in every fish that bites. That could explain her rootless lifestyle.
The show knows about mother-daughter con artists: see Petra and Magda.

Yes, but didn't Catalina find Jane after Jane contributed to a GoFundMe account?
My other slim piece of evidence is that Catalina and Rafael have a friend in common, but Rafael had never heard of Catalina before. (OTOH he was a married man for quite a while, dealt with having cancer, crimelord family drama, etc., so

I love how the family still isn't fully aware of what they've got with Diane. Bow's bewildered "What?" was great.

Quite a few!

Bow: "Your grandparents will be here in case there's an emergency."
Diane: "What if they're dead, and that's the emergency?"
Bow: "What?"

Coincidentally, perhaps, the A Word A Day for today is "ambisinistrous" - clumsy with both hands. IRL example: Morgan.…

I thought it was just the pouch?

The day after every episode, I start to feel very sorry for Xo.

Not long for this world? Alba is 65 at most. She and her sister have 20 years to go unless they are smokers. Or crime lords.

A person who uses violence to get his way is not a good long-term companion, whether his heart is "in the right place" or not. It's getting worse. Tasing and kidnapping. And his decisions about who to torment seem pretty random. I would be terrified all the time, having him around.

I know it was supposed to be touching that Rogelio used his Estefavor on Xo rather than on his telenovela…but I wish he hadn't. For one thing it was a betrayal of his business partner. For another, it was a betrayal of his own needs. There's nothing wrong with having ambition. He loves being famous and has worked hard

What was the line Dr. Z said about Jody being a Faulkner ghost? I love the the show is committing to this weird aspect of Jody (and his sister to some degree). Every sitcom has a ditz, a sad sack, a sassy lady, a control freak, a lady's man, etc. I like how this show has invented a few new ones (the midwife nemeses,

I really feel sorry for poor Lewis, who has all the reasons to dislike Tandy that the rest of them have, plus the added burden of comments about his being gay. BUT I did giggle when Tandy said with delight, "We have a gay community!"