Lady Marjorie

Why wasn't Luschek considered a hostage at the end? The negotiations failed and the prison was stormed because "all" the hostages were released.

Seriously! Haven't they ever seen Gilligan's Island?

Yes! It made no sense that the badass Ruiz would just shrug and say "Oh well." I thought for sure they'd just feed the methies more drugs to take back the gun.

You've been given several examples. I think it's interesting how the writers choose to reveal convictions almost randomly. In any other show, there would be a typewriter sound effect as the woman's crime is spelled out across the bottom of the screen (MARY JONES. NARCOTICS POSSESSION. 15 YEARS.)

Breaking Fabian's nose, although accidental, was no joke. Looking good is vital to his income, and in fact everyone employed by the show depends on it. Bandaged Fabian = no show. I know he was a joke character but he seemed too nice to get what he got from the Janemundo. #TeamFab

The writers should have heeded Darci Rule #43 because seeing Michael is not making me feel open to Adam.

I was caught up in the story and so my first warning sign came when Dev said to Francesca, "What should we have for dinner in amazing NYC, where you can have any cuisine in the whole wide world?" and she said, "Italian" because she was homesick. He brushed that off and convinced her to try tapas.

Dev was her manicpixiedreamboy. Lots of money, glamorous life, infinite free time, and intently focused on making her happy without requiring much in return. Until suddenly he wasn't. It's kind of interesting to see the flip side of that cliche.

Yes, but her delivery of "I sat on the sofa and cried" was hilarious and heartbreaking all at once. Something about the way she said it really packed a punch, even if it wasn't *Acting*. That line has haunted me for a year.

Not having cable, I thought "Clash of the Cupcakes" was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard of and therefore hilarious. Then I learned that Cupcake Wars is an actual real thing. Yikes

Always dependable for some laughs. And a fabulous wardrobe for Dr. L. Thanks, Mindy Project.

Tandy is responsible for Lewis' death. He is obsessive and manipulative and picks-picks-picks until people do what they know they shouldn't do. Melissa is the only one with a clear view of him.

(Moving past The Big Issue and thinking about the future:) I've been thinking for a while about Xo and how unlucky she is. So far her life story has been "The people I love don't value me for who I really am." In any other show, she would be the free spirited hero stuck in a judgmental family. I really do hope they

Yes, but there are was also the foreshadowing of their saying their marriage vows early…the idea being that they would not be able to say them for real because he might die before the wedding. Once we got past the actual wedding, I kind of figured the writers had changed their minds , that the character was too

Yes, I got the feeling when Rafael told her about his birth that a lightbulb went off in her head. She has now turned the corner into evil villain territory, upgraded from her previous status of general trainwreck.

Funny, I was tired of the Ro and Xo show and I like the new lady. Xo coping with a teenage version of herself (Tess) is a lot of fun.

And there was much misdirection. I knew something was going to happen but not what. I thought it might be Mateo getting terribly sick. Then I thought Abuela (shedding a tear about being alone in the house) was in danger. Then I thought for sure Petra had switched places with Anezhka in a martyr move. My brain was not

I knew something sad was going to happen, but I figured it was going to be that Petra traded places with Anezhka.

I speak from personal experience when I say that reruns of "That Girl" were inflicted upon TV-watching children throughout the 1970s. Plus I don't think a man as needy and family-oriented as Daryl would have waited until he was in his 40s to get married and have a child. I am estimating Daryl the character (not the

"That Girl" was just the starter for Marlo Thomas. She was a famous face for most of the 1970s. She did a children's album called "Free to Be You and Me," she probably appeared on a lot of talk shows, she was politically outspoken, and then she married a popular daytime talk-show host. Plus her show was in reruns. So