Lady Marjorie

Why do these people continue to look to Tandy as their leader? Why do they continue to believe his lies? Why do they continue to trust his bad judgment? He is by far the most dangerous person in the group. I really enjoy watching the other characters—we need more of them and less of The Tandy Show.

Check out the actor who plays Luisa in the Netflix series "Alpha House." She's great and it's makes her portrayal of pathetic Luisa all the better.

I get the feeling this is one of those medical buildings where most of the offices are being used by doctors. The midwives are upstairs, right?

I'm pretty sure the Trump joke (like the frequent jokes about her having a gun) was to needle hypersensitive liberal viewers like me. And I love it.

If you're joking, then you haven't been here. There's one on my street right now.

I'm surpised they didn't point out that Sarah looks just like Danny's ex, Christina.

It's so odd. Why would Mindy Kaling be required to reveal whether or not a certain actor will be on the show in the future? It's not as if she's asking us to invest $$ in her business plan. Are people writing up immutable TV-viewing schedules for the upcoming year for which they require specific information?

The Mindy style blog shows it with the bow untied and just hanging like a scarf, and it's much better. The trousers…well, I'm still giving her a thumbs-up for being fearless.

1. thumbs up for the lemon ensemble
2. the girlfriend was allergic to being cold?
3. excellent guest starrage!
3a. (even though, as always, they steal precious time from the regular cast)

I don't understand why Mindy changed from her cute striped blouse into sloppy shorts before going down to meet Diego. Did she know about the "sitcom swimming pool" cliche and not want to harm the dry-clean-onlys?

A few too many coinkidinks in this episode. The old man has decided to adhere to a lunar harassment schedule? And in Meyerland, full moons occur on the 29th of each month?
("yarite" about the password has already been expressed below)

Is the baby in Italy with Danny?

It was part of the joke, right? The nurses made their case by pointing out how inefficient (and bloody) they are in their tiny workspace, so naturally they SHOULD have requested for Danny's office to become more workspace. But instead they requested a lounge.

I found the music talk to be a bit over the top but have a high tolerance for nerdy knowledge (for example, the guys who analyzed every swatch of fabric on Mad Men). And then this weekend I heard some background music on another show and thought, "Hmm, is that the same score as from before?" and I realized that you

LOL. That sounds about right.
Or maybe he tried to pay with his own special banknotes, lavender Rogeliollars.

Did I see Charo as a bridesmaid?

That was true, but now she's in jail.

I decided on the spot that she had some kind of EZ pass that, I don't know, reads her iris or something. And it was Bring Your Dad to Work Day sponsored by the Miami public transportation system, covering Ro. #willingsuspensionofdisbelief

You're so polite about it that I will go back to review Season 1 Michael to see if I've just forgotten how bad he used to be. He's definitely received a stardust-covered nice guy edit this spring. (I was glad finally to hear them argue about the hotel room like normal people.) But I think I will be agreeing with the

They said Mutter is in jail.