Lady Marjorie

Yes! I loved that small (and telling) detail. Meyer learned everything he needed to know in order to convince large numbers of people to do his bidding…and then started his own little salvation army.

But why not send an email? Place a call? He *personally* retrieved Sean. The Delaware staff were surprised and a little shocked to see the leader suddenly in their midst, so it's not like this is the way things are normally done.

I love these. Never leave.

I was wondering last week how/why Jake got away with disobeying Rowan when he failed to kill or at least maim Edison. Now I see it was all a ruse. That Papa Pope is quite the operator.

What happened to this show? In the old days, Rowan and Jake would have killed Edison. Or Cyrus, he would have hired someone to do it. But now, all Edison gets for his trouble is a headache. Kid stuff.

Maybe next season we'll meet Michael's heretofore unknown twin brother!

Could someone please remind me why a capable single woman who is running for president has to have a man locked in her bedroom each night? Or be photographed with her ex-husband giving her a reassuring hug?

But Olivia *only* wants to be with unavailable men. Jake made a smart move.

The idea of "If you need a babysitter, call me or my mom or my grandmother first" sounds good on paper, but would be an unbearable hassle in reality. Three phone calls, three people who can each babysit for a little while but not the whole time and can you drop him off and wait did you forget his blanket and oops I

The Anezka story is silly and unbelievable (and a stereotype), but it's also a lot of fun. Her bad waitressing is necessary comic relief after the emotional strain of the co-parenting negotiations. (For once, a scenario many viewers can truly relate to.) She's going to be turning evil before long, so I'm just going to

Any chance it was a symbolic or dream sound effect, to clue us in to Jane crying on the inside?

There was so much wrist-grabbing (not elbows or hands or upper arms) that I figured this was another Meyerist quirk. Like, maybe they connect by feeling each other's pulse or something.

Love Anezka and rewound several times just to watch her say "Leaping lizards" again and again.

She seemed to relish being a tattletale. Although, to her credit, she kept the secret for a while.

I'll be calling him Burt in my head from now on! "Jody"…makes me think his sister should be named Buffy.

Neither did Danny…until the baby came. I agree with Kristin Rawls above, Jody is pretty much Danny with a different accent. Jody's sister—an adult with a full-time job—had to beg to be allowed out of the apartment.

People can pick on January Jones' acting if they wish, but she is a professional and I doubt she's holding the show hostage to her feelings about ex-lovers. (Ditto Sudeikis and Forte.)

It's worse. It's "Immature Tandy sabotages himself and gives everyone another legitimate reason to dislike and distrust him."

Exactly. Carol asks Todd "to put Tandy's baby" in her. And she only asked him for that favor after he declared his 100% support for Tandy.

I love how the music they are allowed to listen to at home is just the music their aged guru liked back when he was Hawk's age. It's like every Grandpa's dream come true, to banish all new music in the whole world. "It's not music! It's just noise! You call it rap, I call it crap! Back in my day… (blah blah)"