Lady Marjorie

Well, I enjoyed the opening montage. It covered a lot of ground that would have been very tedious if told over the course of several shows—and it was funny.

Kissing that sad little dog made me laugh.

Fitz is a master manipulator.
In other news…the reporter and several newspaper editors know the truth. How is killing Andrew going to un-do that?

She didn't really get mad until her (female) friend "crossed" her. That's what pushed her over the edge. Abby not only disobeyed and disregarded Olivia, but she attracted the attention of Olivia's man. It felt like a really intense catfight.

I didn't quite get it. Susan made a decision about whether or not to tell the truth, but we don't know what the decision was? Because now it's a moot point?

Anyway, Spike is not trustworthy. Remember he's the reason Rhonda was in jail to begin with. That's not someone you want to tell a big secret to.

So…we know life in the bunker is going to be dangerous. Maybe it's just as well Ariel—who is quite the self-preserver—is inside.


I agree, Spike seems to have known his Uncle Scotty. They didn't live in the same town, though, did they?

I'm afraid I disagree. Rafael is right, 40 minutes each way is over an hour out of the day—in addition to job commutes. Plus they'll have to factor in rush hour and weather and soccer practice and…bleah. That drive will become more and more of a chore as they just want to relax on weekends. I live in a major

A souvenir spoon collection, I believe.

Ha, I thought it was just me. I replayed that bit just to see his face.

This episode was a lot of fun. More time was spent on the B-team and that provided fresh energy. The usual screentime hogs (Jake, Abby, Fitz, Cyrus, Huck) were completely overshadowed by Quinn, Susan, Liz, and Rosen, plus old-timers Hollis and Edison and newbie Hot Brother. Even Rowan's rant was brief and he seemed

and not even one of the main ones!

Is it confirmed? I thought they were throwing us another loaded hint, but, in un-Scandal-like fashion, not spelling out out. Did I miss something other than he took off his coat?

Yes, but Susan is against the Environmental Protection Agency.

Based on past episodes I was expecting a suicide attempt ("Fitz doesn't wuv me anymooorrrr!!"), but he seemed to take it in stride. So…Nels P, you might be right.

I'd like to agree because he is so darn cute, but the truth is that Jake started out pretty INdecent, paid to stalk, film, and seduce Olivia. They give him the Dreamboat Edit about once a season and allow us to gaze into the limpid pools of blue that are his eyes, and some of us fall for it. (Present company

I recall in the first season thinking, "She's always talking about trusting her gut, and her gut is always wrong."

Maybe that was Edith's real secret.