
New York: Where we remove all traces of authenticity, then complain there is nothing authentic left.

Why don't they just take her on as an oral history project? Allow her to remain at her base rent, with the condition that she records her memories of the neighborhood for use at the Museum. Everybody wins, nobody's a charity case.

He's had a rocky road to some well-deserved success.

Listen to her WTF Podcast interview if you can. She's pretty fucking fantastic.

I've never been a huge KG fan but I definitely have new respect for her now.

That reads like a Childish Gambino rap.

Say what you will about Wendy Williams, but she addressed this the other day on her show. She pointed out that it's highly suspect that mom has come out of the woodwork to parade around TV with her son . . . when mom left her son to be raised by a known drug addict for his entire life.

YESSSS!! I posted the other day about how they bought a bunch of toys from the sex shop where I work and I didn't end up seeing any of them in the show — so glad they released this! Still no sign of the sparkly dildo the size of my forearm but I recognize almost everything else.

But were they Tahitian pearls or freshwater pearls? Might have been the work of

Keep an eye out for LiLo's new pearl earring line. It will be a limited release of about 3,000 pairs.

I'm really glad I like my parents.

pulls on +1 lever

Walker, Ex's Anger.

Players shall sit out the first half of the season opener.

I agree that the takes are crazy but I'm confused at how often people say, "they may have cheated, but they would have won anyway." Is that the way it works, now? You only have to follow the rules to the degree that you can plausibly say breaking them didn't affect the outcome?

First league investigation of improperly deflated balls that didn't involve PED use.

It leads to the totally valid question of "what else are they doing?"

You young kids and your fancy technology rememberings.