
I know people like this too. They have a deep desire for attention, sympathy and to one up people. Like here, she read the story of a woman being abused by her rock star boyfriend and getting a response. So she comes in saying "you think that's bad? I was RAPED by a rock star on my BIRTHDAY." to try and get the

Man Who Just Lit Olympic Torch Once Lost To a Bunch of College Kids

No plane. Only burning debris from the collapse of 2 skyscrapers which set the building o fire and weakened its structure to the point of collapse.

It's hard to imagine that, for something this important, a guy could just skate by with almost zero scrutiny. That a guy with none of the requisite qualifications could just slip through the screening process, past dozen of checks, and be allowed to wander - befuddledly - into the inner sanctum of power, interacting