I forgot that Harwell defended Feliciano. Ernie Harwell was the best.
I forgot that Harwell defended Feliciano. Ernie Harwell was the best.
dat muscle memory
I think Manafort flipped. Could be both.
Probably going to need 12 weeks of treatment (bleomycin, etoposide, platinum). Maybe 6 weeks to recover after if everything goes well. That’s optimistic, but he is a healthy young athlete and they tend to recover faster than most people. But he will probably lose some muscle mass and not be in playing shape at that…
This “kids know what’s best for themselves” logic is so foreign to me. I only hear it from parents whose children prefer them to their exes, and people who believe that a childhood with elements of severe, dangerous dysfunction is a universal experience. So they’re either operating as an interested party…
That assumes the child is making an actual choice and not being manipulated by one parent. In an ideal world sure. But if the parent or parents are manipulators it’s not really the child’s choice.
So many opportunities are missed ... because people don’t want to do something different.
They already tried something different when they fired their most successful coach since Bill Walsh and replaced him with a hobo and noted Yes man. That worked out as well as expected.
DO 👏🏾 NOT 👏🏾 FEEL 👏🏾 SORRY 👏🏾 FOR 👏🏾 HER!!!
Fuck that paparazzi asshole.
“the deal was reached a week ago, but has been kept ‘a big secret’ because Michele’s camp feared the seven days of criticism that would surely lead up the divisive President-elect’s big day.”
And yet no schools seem interested in his stepbrother, Meander Couchpotato.
The Embarcadero is bumper to bumper at rush hour, and this is going to sit in the middle. It’s going to be a nightmare just during construction, and a hell scape once it’s open. Good job, idiots.
After receiving Christmas gifts from his mother and father intended for him and his girlfriend, actress Olivia Munn, Rodgers reportedly returned them two months later. The day before the wedding of a very close friend, Rodgers texted that he couldn’t make it. He also reportedly fired a business manager he had…
I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.
All that picture is missing is googly eyes and ‘NOMNOMNOM’
You know, it’s funny, I went to Paisley Park a couple of weeks ago and all I could smell was lavender.