Called it.
Called it.
Shitty parents are also the worst tippers and leave the biggest messes.
Yes! Thanks. I cried at the movie, too, damnit. Ohhhhh, I was pregnant. Makes sense now.
One of the Disney shorts about a boy and his dog set me off. I don’t remember what movie it premiered with. Also the opening scene of Frozen with young Kristoff. Kids entertainment pulls no punches. My husband was reduced to a blubbering mess the other day over the 1-2 punch of The Land Before Time and The Good…
You know who’s the perfect balance?
What’s the best word to use when someone is so vile that you just can’t anymore?
Yup, and victims aren’t a monolith, we can respond however suits us. I think the question itself doesn’t really support that nuance and is based on the media’s (and society’s) fascination with the perpetrators without examining or even really considering what happens after the assault.
My kids hate my favorite childhood movies. It’s a travesty. I hope you escape the same fate.
The last time I watched it there was a Zong involved. The volleyball scene was tooooooo much.
One of the greatest joys in parenting is embarrassing your kids.
Kenny Loggins must be pumped!
Victims are treated terribly by the system as it currently functions. The Rape Shield Law may protect victims in court, but certainly doesn’t stop police from interrogating a victim’s past. Regardless of how irrelevant that past is. That’s just one example.
Very well put, both you and OP. The “joy” question made me wince, at least the phrasing. The vast majority of sex crimes never make it to prosecution. So there is a victory here for his victims and other victims as well. But that doesn’t equate to joy. In fact, it’s a commentary on our culture and justice system that…
I recognize her from Faerie Tale Theatre’s best episode, “The Dancing Princesses.”
Amazing. I have word vomited like Eve before and found that scene deeply relatable but also ludicrous (in a good way).
Yeah, the plot was inconsistent and then the whole water thing? I loved the armosphere, music, and characters so much I was willing to overlook some of the mess. It was such a visually arresting show.
Good call! Although the series finale was perfect.
I would’ve said careful what you wish for.
I hope justice is served and this brings some peace to his victims.
Using the spectrum as a means to invalidate/minimize a victim’s experience or excuse a perpetrator’s actions is bullshit. I’ve seen the term used more in that vein than to have a nuanced discussion. Based on your third paragraph, it seems we are more in agreement than not. I just don’t see the utility in discussing…