Lady Lunch Lady

She is wonderful.

The caption literally says “go trump”

I’ve only watched the first episode and completely agree w/ your assessment. It sorta fails despite the talent.

That’s hot.


Fuck everything.

Molly u in danger grl

At which point do you think “hmm maybe I’m working w/ nazi scum” and stop  them? or do you just continue to quietly remove hidden swastikas? Wtf adult swim.

Hey Rich, maybe don’t write about trans women if you can’t hold your condescension.

I’m an addict (H-) and this happens to me too even though I haven’t gotten high in 6+ years.

Calling addicts dumb doesn’t do anything good, btw.

Are you fucking kidding me

You’re right. I’m gone. Everything is too much for me right now.

If it’s +THIS+ easy to alienate yall, you weren’t allies to begin with. That’s the T, babydoll. Our authentic allies empathize with our pain and aren’t showing they ass all over the place, asking us to pls be nicer right now. Fuck nice. Grow up.

A former drug conviction could stop you.

Smacking? trying to help? I’m sorry, but what exactly was he offering?

That’s heartbreaking. None of this should be happening. I’m Black and Latinx and if I could hide that, I’m not certain that I wouldn’t.

Crying and puking, then going home to watch Sam Bee and cry/puke some more.

“If you can point me to a primer that can tell me the Do’s and Don’ts of showing support it’d be welcome.”

“On behalf of all straight, white men that did not vote Trump, I’m sorry”