Lady Lunch Lady

It’s less enjoyable as a reality show.

I stopped being biracial as soon as Trump won. Whew!

“Personal attacks like that are not a great way to have dialogue with people who have different opinions from yours.”

“As a Trump voter, I can say that race didn’t really play into my decision.”

This isn’t about you right now.

“Seriously, don’t look to the government to have a great year, just look to yourself.”

It’s very patently not going to be fine, so go fuck yourself. White women need to sit down and stfu for the next few days.

And you thought FB was bad during an Obama presidency .

“HRC was the wrong person to lead our nation.”

Yeah, because pro-choice means forced parenthood . Wtf are you talking about?

I never realized how much Chelsea looked like a younger Hillary. Not to be too shallow, but I’ve never seen anything traditionaly “unattractive” about either of them.

I smoked a huge bowl before coming into work this morning, and still sat here stonefaced with everyone else. out of a 13 person office staff, 11 of us are latinx. we’re all in mourning today.

We’ll all be dead before he hits the Asshole cap.

Go fuck yourself in a dirty gutter, Susan Sarandon. Honestly, truly.

Yep. and it’s terrifying to realize that these people are your neighbors , coworkers, bosses, and family. we’re literally surrounded by sociopaths .

Shep is consistently hilarious, tbh.

fuego takis are so good tho

I’ve thrown up twice this morning. The stress of this entire thing.

What a time to be alive.

Sorry 😯 I don’t know fashion and the only thing I knew, for certain, that she’s worn was that Gucci pussybow blouse.