
Per Dante, the bottom three circles of Hell were reserved for the Violent, the Fraudulent and the Treacherous. I think that’s basically who attends CPAC.

Well Texas has a chance to vote these scumbags out.

Or, you know, install the masts after the ship is out from under the bridge.

My wife has IBS. Sometimes she doesn’t have time to check & see. When it's coming, there's no stopping it.

“Then, and this is important: Don’t worry that they will retract the offer simply because you advocate to earn what you’re worth. They have already dedicated resources to vetting and interviewing; they’re not going to pull the plug simply because you negotiate your salary.”

Why does every man in that lineup look like a shitty video game NPC 

Trolls win sometimes.

Anti-abortion efforts have never been about babies. It has always been about controlling women. If a woman does not own and control everything that happens inside her own body, then she does not own her own body, or her own life. Her body is not entirely a person, it becomes partly an object, a thing, to be owned and

I made the same comment, but I’m banished to the greys so no one will see it - I’m glad somebody else pointed this out! Using a legitimate-looking link to an article the author doesn’t expect their audience to read - because if they did read it, it wouldn’t support their argument at all - is a classic

Give him the bullets back. fast!

I see a lot of comments in the vein of “well, if a man can basically force a woman to have a child based solely on the man’s preference that the child be born, then he should [xyz remunerative, punitive, or ‘gotcha’ remedy]!” Some are serious seeming (albeit highly unlikely to be implemented,) and some are hyperbolic

If we lived in a non-sexist country, any bill like this would automatically put the plaintiff on the hook for 18 years of child support. Then we could see how much it’s about the babies.

The Musk-Hitler connection just got stronger.

I think your last point is the salient one.

I actually just re-winterized my windows this week. Now I have to replace the weather stripping on the front door

I would add to the chimney checkup a dryer vent clean out. I would also toss in to this set changing out filters for any split system hvac unit (furnace in house, air conditioner outside). That's just me though.

That and wearing a mask is such a simple thing, it’s just a goddamn piece of cloth.  I’ll never understand these people, I’ll never understand much of what is going on right now.  People are terrible.
