My GPS doesn’t always realize streets are one way, or pick up service downtown. I can’t wait to see how this pans out!
My GPS doesn’t always realize streets are one way, or pick up service downtown. I can’t wait to see how this pans out!
How can we yell at the jagoff driver if there is no driver?!
I was fully prepared to be aghast at the horrible sexism displayed in Harley Quinn’s character. As it kept going, I kept thinking “Wait, I kind of really like her. I thought she was supposed to be horribly weak and vapid. What is happening?!”
I have never heard of this show or it’s predecessor until just now, and I am FURIOUS! My son was born with a limb difference and this kind of shit is EXACTLY what makes things hard for him and others like him. It’s fucking okay to look different, world! Deal with it!
p.s. not yelling at you, just yelling in general.
This kid is the epitome of the word “moist”
I’ve been eating this since my mom once gave me garlic bread with my spaghetti as a child. It’s the most fucking delicious meal ever. And now I need to drive to my mom’s and force her to make me her spaghetti.
Perhaps, but as a person who is still paying their loans-private and federal, I don’t see how a 3 month hiatus would help me. I mean, sure, it’d be a nice break for a little bit, but...then I would just owe more in interest and I’d go back to not using that money again.
To be honest, it was these kind of grandiose…
Can someone explain the point of the 3 month thing to me? Don’t we already get 6 month grace periods after graduating. And isn’t the point of refinancing so you can get a payment you can afford? I don’t see what difference 3 months would make for most of us.
Thank you! I don’t watch WTAE, so for the longest time, I thought Wendy Bell was some annoying Christian preacher lady a la Joel Osteen. I was so shocked that she was a news anchor, which made me hate her even more. It felt really good when she spewed all this racism, I was finally justified in hating her stupid face.
Is it wrong this was my first thought?
Ramspringa. Rumspringa? I’m probably completely off with the spelling, but yes, the teenagers can go off and explore “English” society before officially becoming church members. I’m not sure how many actually do this though. I grew up around Mennonites, which are supposedly less strict versions of Amish, and they…
I grew up shooting stuff and guns all around. Don’t ask me what, because I found it incredibly boring and stopped sometime in high school.
Follow up-I’m genuinely curious what AR-15s are used for. Aside from these mass murders, obviously. Can they be used for hunting? Just general target practice? I wanted to ask all…
This reinforces my belief that not only do I not get fashion, but I also have no patience to try.
In my mind, I decided Bill would be PLOTUS. Then I thought about it and realized PLOTUS would stand for President Lady of the US. It doesn’t really make sense, so I’m going to have to reassess, but I do kind of like the idea of referring to Bill as President Lady. Hillary can changer her title to SGLOTUS-Supreme…
I know my calculus.
I want the secret to Susan's cleavage. Tis a thing of beauty.
My husband and his friends were once discussing how great big boobs are. I was a full C at the time, and while not huge, I already saw the effects of age on my ladies. I complained that yeah they look nice when you’re young, but after kids and age, they become saggy pancake titties.
After baby 1, I am now a pancaked B…
There’s also a great podcast-Oh No Ross and Carrie-that did this exact thing. It was awesome.
I’m a Mom. It’s not my entire identity, and it’s tough sometimes, but I love it. Now, after saying that, I’m sure you don’t give a fuck. And that’s great! Just like I don’t give a fuck that you don’t want to have kids. Good for you! You made a personal choice, just like I did, and you’re happy!
Yuuuupppp. I was in HIGH SCHOOL at the time. Went out to dinner with my Dad, and the waitress assumed we were a couple. I was mortified. I’m dying all over again just thinking about it.