
I disagree. I think this bride _should_ confront her friend about the lack of gift, so that the bridesmaid has the opportunity to shit in a box and mail it to her, but that's just me.


I... want a crossover 1st person shooter video game where the protagonist gets dropped to all of the memorable maps in successful and classic FPS titles like Halo, Serious Sam, DOOM, Counter Strike, Half-Life, and just wreak havoc because the gameplay will have a lot of things that some of the original games do not

I work in a jewelry store. People have strong opinions about that plastic thing on the backing.

I did not do it. I didn’t kill Destiny, but I wish that I had. Watching your vicious shovelware die gave me more relief than a thousand different non interchangeable currencies. I wish I was the hack you think I am. I wish I had enough terrible line readings for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to

Wow....what a collossal waste of time and money....

Dinklage wasn’t bad, the fucking script was bad, and you just can’t polish a turd. I’m sure he did exactly as the ADR director asked, which was to sound robotic and flat. I doubt he cares too much, his check cashed just fine.

Also....does anyone even care at this

Indeed. I liked ghost. He’s literally the only memorable character.

I’ll defend the Crown Royal lady:

To be honest, I did not understand that Crown Royal story at all. :(

I’m a hunter, and I know I always feel the proudest when I use bait to lure an animal that I have no intention of eating and that has become acclimated to being in the presence of people (which removes any sport in it) nominally outside a protected area for the sole purpose of counteracting the shame of my shockingly

Today is my 10th wedding anniversary, so I am in a reminiscing-about-my-wedding mood. :) I distinctly remember that angst you discuss at the end - the “Are we this kind of couple, or are we that kind of couple” dilemma that seemed to impose itself at the crossroads of every decision. It all felt so...if not quite

And dear sweet TayTay: if you want to discuss women sticking together that’s fine, but first let’s talk about your playground fight with Katy Perry and your girl gang Bad Blood video, mmmkay?

For me at least, I didn’t remember his racism because I read the book so long ago (junior high) that the mythology surrounding TKAM overtook the actual content of the text.

I have to get this off my chest and it may as well be here and it probably won’t be very popular considering the above article (for the record asking about her weight is cowardly, disgusting, vile and pathetic but it’s the fucking Daily Mail, what does anyone expect).

This backfires a bit, since the Daily Mail famously did ask Osbourne about his weight at some length in an interview last September. They just shouldn’t be doing this shit at all. The “slinky brunette” bit obviously is completely gendered, and there’s no question that the DM is much more likely to pull this nonsense

Add Shadow of Mordor’s nemesis system with some good variation in enemies? I could be up for it.

Yes, the Nexplanon is more effective than vasectomy or tubal ligation! The IUD is also highly effective. I share this link all the time with my patients, and here:

I’d love to see a game set after this one in the Batman Beyond setting with Terry. New villains, a batman with more stealth technology and the ability to fly... Huge futuristic buildings.

I’ll post this before my side-rant.