I think this is great.
I think this is great.
Some people seem to find a hard acronym to swallow.
I had that change too - was a big surprise for me.
There used to be a Nokia ad in the UK which had a women making strange noises on a bus, then the camera panned around and she was watching a horror movie on her (snake-capable) Nokia handset. I used to think it was funny.
Well that's depressing. Poor Gua.
(Disclaimer - I'm not an epigeneticist and most of my knowledge comes from hearing people talk about it at conferences).
Love this topic.
Annalee - have you ever heard of the 'mutation surfing' phenomenon? It's a great little example of an evolutionary mechanism promoting diversity and has some cool visuals. Seems like the kind of thing you'd like.
Up front - I haven't read the Selfish Gene (I'm #TeamMarian) but while Dobbs is absolutely right about the importance of gene expression, I don't think Dawkins has ever said otherwise. The journalists reporting on the Selfish Gene (and scientists not fully in the field of genetics, who, before they became scientists,…
Within animals, any change that occurs within an organism that is not present in the genotype is not going to be passed on to the offspring. Full stop.
I lived in the Netherlands for a couple of months where they very proudly kept telling me it was tradition to have two sleeps with a midnight waking period.
YES! Biology does not equal society. I know my biology has left me with great penalties (speaking from an ecologists' viewpoint) when it comes to child bearing, but that doesn't mean society must penalise me also.
I have very strange sleep patterns - I'm an insomniac so I have a sleep hygeine routine that works for me (eye mask, ear plugs, I go to bed when I feel ready to sleep so I don't stress about not sleeping, etc.) and I've always been a night owl. And recently after a period of very high stress when my insomnia was so…
Oh yes. Case closed!
Not the best, but a recent one that I really liked: James Kidd in Assassins' Creed 4. You see the reveal coming, but it's well done and has a great emotional payoff to the end.
I'm forever telling my parents this as both sets of parents have a daughter just coming out of their teenage years. Teenagers get a pretty bad rep, although they are admittedly hard to deal with in the moment.
Indeed, thank you for the correction.
What? No I would lie to benefit my university. I'm not sure what your point is. Goodbye.
No Wind Whistler. No dice.