Odds are they are doing something illegal. 99% of people who own the bikes they ride seem to have zero regard for the legal operation of the device, much less people riding on these share service bikes.
Odds are they are doing something illegal. 99% of people who own the bikes they ride seem to have zero regard for the legal operation of the device, much less people riding on these share service bikes.
fuck you. That is a stupid opinion and you are stupid for having it. I disagree with you and therefore it goes without saying that you are not a worthwhile human, in fact, you are to be considered sub-human because your judgments and valuations do not align directly with my own.
wow. Masta Ace. Don’t see that link too often.
You probably had thousands of Kotaku comments to choose from, yet you decided to cherry-pick only a single one which manages to completely fail at English...
I think your spell corrector is broken. It put “article,” when you meant to type, “blog post.”
You are struggling here to keep your positive and negative adjectives, as well as statements in general, in agreement. Perhaps seek out a proof-reader who has experience writing and editing, or take a remedial writing class yourself.
Since it was so important to attack first in that year’s metagame, Talonflame’s ability to set up Tailwind was crucial.
This is a blog, so I guess it fits, but this reads like something from a high school student’s secret diary.
Once we were old enough to drink, my Father (who was notorious for waiting until the last minute to shop for gifts) would just go to the liquor store and buy a bunch of craft beer and other alcoholic sundries. I was never unhappy again.
...then you can feel satisfied that you did all you can.
I think it’s way more impressive that somehow this person was able to push this case, for which there appears to be no evidence, all the way to court.
See the reaction face and approach on the last bottom-right image there?
You posted the images of them not kissing and then asked if they kissed...
It’s was nice to see that you didn’t automatically assign romantic/sexual involvement to Yuri on Ice, but then sad to see you do so in the comments.
What standard? Does it have to do with the time of day this aired? There is definitely man-on-man action in other animated shows from Japan (even this season), and much further in live action stuff.
If you are just resolute about communicating the decision you made, people will very rapidly learn to stop asking you about your “romantic life.”
Isn’t all this kind of understood to be granted whenever you mention any comment section, ever. At least every comment section I have ever seen.
Whoahwoahwoah! Queer?!?
Damn. I had a good town going too, ‘til that mixtape drop.
It doesn’t amount to squat except success on every metric Silicon valley Start-ups seems to care about: Lots of press, big initial investments that can be converted to equity that can be dumped for insanely inflated values onto subsequent investors, and a nice payday for execs that flee into the night.