and by the way, your mom sounds really cool!
and by the way, your mom sounds really cool!
thanks. “iron sharpens iron”. people like you inspire elevated thoughts and i feel that you and i are on the same wavelength. the things you were saying clicked with me and i had to support you.
I think it’s possible to simultaneously wish we could all just chill the fuck out and get along, but also realize that some people are never going to go for that and at the end of the day are going to need a good solid asskicking.
Oh, I don’t know....
Woman lol cause I’ve experienced this
Lol right like I’m going to hand out my number to a stranger I haven’t even had a conversation with yet.
haha omg!! i think there is something wrong with my computer. while replying to you i had no clue about your other posts. i have scrolling through them for the last 20 minutes. and here i was talking about some silly movie!
totally agree with you!! a separate entity should view, judge and prosecute since the police work for the prosecution. a set up like internal affairs but with broader powers to root out theses behaviors.
Good. Fuck up their wallets and maybe they’ll start to get their shit together.
it was pretty good for a late 80's movie. it poked a little fun at vapid social trends and consumerism. it’s a good saturday or sunday afternoon lazy day movie.
Why do we call them African American but not European American?
Also, the issues I have with racism come from my personal experiences and what I have learned about history. I am sure that I don’t deal with racism as much as Black people but I can certainly understand the wrong of such idiotic generalizations. Here is my experience in how people treat me: (some)White people will…
With all the white hate, I wish I was black! No my cousin is not just black. She is also Hispanic. I am not Black at all. My mother is Mexican and my dad is white. Both my cousin and I grew up under the Mexican culture because our dads were not involved as much. My cousin looks beautiful and looks Mexican and she is…
You and your cousin are black.
Why don’t we wonder about any kid, no matter what race they are? You know, it’s not like these are the only dumb kids putting something out on the internet, have you seen the video of the kid in New Jersey who kicked a cat across the street injuring it and then the dummy posted it on Facebook. if he I was not asking…
even white liberal men have echoed similar narratives... blaming victims for what they wear.
Nope. Some greyed responders made a point about “Actions have consequences...” Said point being made regarding sanctioned sociopaths i.e. cops murdering a Black child that handled/ pointed a “real-looking” BB gun in a park...
That’s an interesting point. I know kids have more access to sex (porn and the internet go together like...) but there is a good case to be made that they were exposed to something sexual from a young age. Regardless, I’m calling out the parents for this BS. Kids can be shits on their own but this type of behaviour is…
That is really a stupid statement. . Key wrote that in 1815 who really knows what he said, really wrote or done? To say they have the right to take a knee is so disrespectful. What if our soldiers decided to not go fight for this country? You are not standing to give praise to that song or give honor to that song. You…