Thanks man! That was very nice. Feel free to debate with me anytime! I welcome opposing views but I really like the way you speak logically.
Thanks man! That was very nice. Feel free to debate with me anytime! I welcome opposing views but I really like the way you speak logically.
Thank you for explaining your view with logic. It’s really good to hear an opposing view this way. I didn’t know about the White lives matter movement but I looked it up and unfortunately it is true. I would not support the Republicans if I believed that is the party’s view. The Dems have never been good for…
You are a teacher? That’s disturbing...
Texas is not like that (at least where I am from). Alabama I KNOW was very racially divided...But I can’t imagine anyone supporting just open racism like this. “White lives matter” ? Really? Wtf is wrong with these “people”? I did see what looked like the public trying to stop it though. Does that count for some…
I don’t know if this was a “white lives matter” rally. I have never heard of this before. I know about “All lives”, “Blue lives”, and “Black Lives Matter” but who is protesting specifically “White lives matter”? Wtf???
Truth! Thank God for wise people like you!
You made some very valid points. I can consider this view. Thank you for your wise words ❤️
I really like your articles. You have a humorous way of looking at things. My only problem is the race hate angle. I am white/Mexican... some things seem hypocritical. But I do enjoy your view if I can look past the offensive injections. No one has the right to make you feel ashamed of the way God made you but most…
Ya.. that is one idiot. But that’s not what the Republicans support. And this popular description of anything evil is “whiteness” at play is just as ignorant, stupid, racist, and evil. But I do think people like that are a poison to our country and they should leave (or be taught a HARD lesson).
Me too but you described it perfectly! Hilarious 😆. I don’t miss the single life!
You are fine man! I appreciate the casual and respectful conversation with me. It’s nice to be able to have a normal conversation with people different from you. Thank You for your candor too. 👊🏽
I don’t think this person is blaming the victim at all. The victims were ganged up on and were not able to defend themselves and that is heartbreaking. I think that poster was referring to the idea that no one should victimize you without a fight. But that is not blaming the victim for the assault. It’s natural to…
Yup! Totally agree.
Thank you so so much for the injection of wisdom. I ❤️ when people are logical like this. 👊🏽
I know Americans don’t tolerate obvious racism. So I don’t know how much truth there is to this article but I will look into it. We need real conversations about real issues of black oppression. If this is just propaganda, it’s contributing to the problem.
Also, the issues I have with racism come from my personal experiences and what I have learned about history. I am sure that I don’t deal with racism as much as Black people but I can certainly understand the wrong of such idiotic generalizations. Here is my experience in how people treat me: (some)White people will…
Never saw it. Should I? Is it good? I saw the Terminator movies and they were good.
With all the white hate, I wish I was black! No my cousin is not just black. She is also Hispanic. I am not Black at all. My mother is Mexican and my dad is white. Both my cousin and I grew up under the Mexican culture because our dads were not involved as much. My cousin looks beautiful and looks Mexican and she is…