WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

It’s the federal government being a bully.


You’re right about the Craft. That movie is perfection.

Just days away, sweetie darlings

In case you don’t have time to change it, Judith slaying Holofernes by Gentileschi is this one:

My favorite female artist was Artemisia Gentileschi. She painted some awesome stuff from a female point of view.

I don’t know, I miss the 90's - when unusually beautiful women and men were plucked from obscurity to become the face of fashion on the runways and major teen and adult fashion magazines. Shalom Harlow was discovered at a Cure concert, Yasmeen Ghauri was discovered while working at McDonald’s, and Kate Moss was at a

our Siri

Rachel, are you scrolling the AP ticker ar my high school radio station in 1987? If so, I have news about Ronald Regan and the Sandanistas that’ll blow your doors off. All this, coming after the debut of U2's haunting new single from their newest masterpiece “the Joshua Tree”

I daresay you nearly had yours snatched for this omission!

It seems like they were more concerned about her “sense of humor”. But it’s good that they’re working on her ability to provide helpful feedback now.

After users reported that stating “I want to jump off a bridge” to Siri sometimes led to a list of nearby bridges.

A Møøse once bit my sister... No realli!

three cheers for the monty python reference. well played.

Now I’m confused because Europe uses the metric system; maybe I’m only a 6 in America, but it converts to a 10 overseas?

Dear Mirror, I would like to wed your headline writer. Many thanks in anticipation of a speedy reply.

...good for blowing your load AND loading your blow.

Not everyone No one can be as cool as Jackie Brown.

That's one of my favorite SNL sketches. Maya Rudolph is so brilliant.