WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

srsly. We converted away and I have no regrets but it is hard not to hope he might be a giant fucking liberal Trojan Horse.

I don’t think it is a smoke screen, I think he is genuine, which kind of scares me MORE. Like, the best-intentioned of men can still do horrible things, look the other way, enable systematic awfulness all around. They aren’t all Palpatines just being terrible monsters.

as a casual Catholic, thinking about how angry this Pope makes mainstream American conservative Catholics (specifically, rick santorum) just warms my cold little heart.

A Deadly Adockption.

This is amazing synopsis. I don’t have cable and thank you for your service.

They are both cool heroes.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

I’m sure that wasn’t awkward for Jason or Adam at all. She had no business bringing them into this. Take it up with Wes Anderson.

I just have to laugh at this point (to keep myself from crying of course). These people are LOST. But this ignorance is why the white supremacist system exists. It’s not a joke, which is why I feel bad for laughing.

I haven’t seen any indication that Fox is saying that. I hate Fox news, but let’s not stoop to their level by being factually inconsistent.

The Stormfronters are somehow blaming this on the liberal media and are suggesting the apartheid and Rhodesia patches on his jacket were photoshopped. Their delusion is dizzying.

Benzema sounds like a face wash that will keep you sedated.

Yes, I’m sure that when he said, “You’re raping our women and taking over our country,” he was mad about Christians. That’s definitely it.


Very impressive thing for a 5-year old to do.

I can’t decide how I feel about the 5 year old thinking of playing dead to protect herself. I am proud (I don’t even know if that is the right word) that she followed her survival instinct, but immensely sad that she had to do that, and sad/glad for whoever raised her that taught her to listen to her gut.

This was a carefully planned out act of terror. He knew that black people are welcoming and accepting. He knew that he could easily go in and worship with black people without being challenged. That’s white privilege for you. I sure as hell couldn’t go into many southern white churches and be accepted.

I say this without a shred of irony or sarcasm: when are white men going to stand up and pressure each other to get themselves under control?

He just said ‘I have to do it.’ He said, ‘You rape our women, and you’re taking over our country, and you have to go,’”