WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys


I cannot, so I am not.

If you can read the words ‘no time for love’ without your brain doing it in the voice of Short Round, you’re a better human being than I.

She’s like a James Franco you can’t laugh at for some reason.

Listen to your friend Billy Zane.

I’ve had lawsuits in the past and cannot deal with another one.

I’m a hand model. A finger jockey. We think differently than the face and body boys. We’re a different breed.

In your little spangly shoes.

I only recently became aware of his brand, because I needed a nice work dress. I saw his name on uninspiring stuff at Ross, but the full price stuff in department stores can be extremely flattering. I found conservative-looking dresses, nothing too fashion-forward, but the kind that fit you well and dress you up.

SUCH a better word than “lawyer.”

I only support this policy if the women servers are also allowed to take off said heels to stab and/or gouge out the eyes of terrible customers.

A: 1) I have no idea what the fuck. 2) They’re hosed. 3) Yes, they do, and yes, it is.

As a bald woman your use of “hair trigger” triggers my triggers.

I know “Dirtbag” is a light hearted feature and my comment has nothing to do with it’s content. I’m pretty new here and with a few exceptions have found the level of discourse elevated and the differing opinions enlightening. I’ll take a bashing if I have one coming, but this Rachael Dolezal madness is exposing a

Every time someone quotes one of those “inner goddess” lines from that thing I cringe so, so much. God. So much second-hand embarrassment.

Reminder, she gave us these gems:

me too!

My mind totally went there first even though I knew it couldn't have been a diva cup knockoff.

this gif just makes me happy.