WhatsHerFace HasTiredOfTheGreys

Well, if she had kept them in the US he would have lost really important years with his own children he’d never get back — and if I understand visa restrictions, he would not have been able to travel to the US at all to visit his children and maybe that’s why the judge gave him custody? Because she could travel to

Yeah. Kinda. Except she pulled some shady shit in the divorce proceedings, so I’m gonna stay firmly #teamnobody on this one. They both seem kind of horrible.

This image would not make an excellent tattoo.

By the prickin o’ mah thumbs somethin thicked this way comes

OMG literally thought that was Johnny Depp before I read the caption. I mean. Dude has aged. It was a lot easier before to ignore his stale alcohol aura

Shit. So basically it doesn’t matter that he signed a contract that said they both had to agree to either to bring them to term, keep them frozen or destroy them, and nobody could do whatever they wanted.

My first thought when I saw Stephen Tyler was ‘wow, Johnny Depp has lost a lot of weight.’

From the redacted report, one can glean that at age 15, he skipped the eldest girl, and perped on four of his sisters, aged 9 through 5. The five year old is now 17 and still a minor. He also 'forcibly fondled' a babysitter.

I've only seen the redacted copy. I'm positive there are copies out there though.

Exactly. They are definitely out there. I wouldn't be surprised if a tabloid DID have a copy!

I thought that if they were filed in a computer/ online, there must be someone out there who has a copy. Once something is on the internet, it can never totally go away. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone kept a copy of the records- I bet they could get some good $ from a tabloid for them.

If you’ve got a copy, you should send them to Gawker’s secure dropbox.

Or how the Streisand Effect works. By making it harder to find a record of those documents, they’ve made people want to look for them more and suspect guilt while doing so.

Especially since they only just destroyed them Thursday.

Exactly. It’s the timing that is raising eyebrows. I hope Judge Zimmerman is forced to answer for why she had them destroyed NOW.

I was thinking we bombard the judge with emails of the redacted police report?

Oh absolutely. Just the fact that they have the buddy system, where the mother can’t interact with all her kids, is setting these kids up for psychological issues. Or, the fact that when one of these kids is old enough to take care of themself, they are now responsible for another child (one of their younger

My co-workers were going on yesterday about how the Duggars aren’t that bad. I had to educate them about this robo-call. I’m sorry but, I’m not sorry to see their fall from grace so to speak. Hypocrites.

I found this gem too :

I actually would never make an argument that the Amish are a cult because Amish people encourage their children to go out and experience the secular world and all of its temptations during "Rumspringa."