Hi you!
Hi you!
Why would anyone try to “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” the national anthem?
Me too. And then my next thought is of how badly we have failed them.
I can’t tell you how much the actions of our nation’s teens these past few days have renewed my hope for the future. The kids are all right.
How dare one of The Poor let their child enjoy a birthday. Don’t they know their child should feel shame and know they are different because they are The Poor?!
So I am on SNAP currently. I only get like ~$80 a month and I need it. It really helps. I am allergic to gluten, my partner is allergic to peanuts. With it, we get fresh fruits and veggies (from a farmers market when we can, local grocer most other times) and get meat from a local butcher that accepts snap, because…
Exactly. Also- if someone wants to save their benefits that month to buy their kid a birthday cake, who cares? I mean, the benefit is the same and it has zero effect on the almighty self righteous tax payer.
I think, generally speaking, calling anyone a “hot little piece of ass” is pretty shameful.
Dudes in their 30s should ALWAYS be ashamed to refer to anyone, ever as a “hot little piece of ass”, much less a 17 year old.
i would have been ashamed to say shit like that when I was 18.
I am a former food-stamp recipient, and reading this news this morning enraged me. SNAP gave me the freedom to choose to buy veggies and fruits and proteins - and some diet Coke and the occasional potato chip. This food-box program is some bullshit, and I can’t imagine having someone else decide what you’re going to…
If she was 18, you wouldn’t be ashamed to say that she’s a little hot piece of ass.
How will they make sure the foods are fresh?
This whole thing is so heartbreaking. I work with low-income uninsured folks and people will judge them because they have their hair and nails done. First off you don’t know if she paid for that or traded something like childcare with someone.
There is just so so much wrong with this plan.... Logistically, how are you going to ensure the right box gets to the right family? That it won’t get damaged, stolen, that animals won’t get to it? Are the contents of the boxes going to through the same FDA process to make sure they’re safe? Are they really?? How will…