
You sound like someone who hasn’t been groped by an old man and hasn’t put any serious effort into imagining what it’s like to live in a world where it’s ok for old men to grope you. It’s not ok. It’s not cute. It’s not funny. Absofuckingtootly every grandpa should be called out what kinda dumbass question is that

Telling the truth isn’t roasting, being judgmental, walking a fine line, or sliding down a slippery slope. It’s just telling the truth.

It’s funny that the only time I see people referring to “slippery slopes” is when they are defending repugnant shit. I’ve never heard anyone say “keeping your hands to yourself is a slippery slope that will lead to women not being harrassed”. And starting off by say “I’m not defending...” is usually followed by some

If a friend’s grandpa sexually harassed me or put his hand on my ass you damn well know I’d fucking tell them about it and if mine (which they can’t, cause they’re dead) did it to someone I’d want to know too so I can tell them to fuckin stop.

A new paradigm of not grabbing people’s asses (who don’t like it) seems like a good paradigm to me.

You know what’s a slippery slope? Thinking that literally anyone deserves to NOT get called out for this behavior.

“Because if not then we are walking a fine line.”

What fine line do you imagine we’re walking here? Because I don’t really see any goddamn problem with calling out every single guy who grabs your ass. I don’t. The fact that this guy is doing so IN PHOTO SHOOTS THAT ARE LITERALLY SET UP IN ORDER TO GENERATE PUBLICITY

Ok. So if women aren’t willing to tell on every grandpa then it’s ok to fondle them. Is that your main point?

fuuuuuuck yoooooouuuuu

So you’re saying that a woman shouldn’t call out someone for groping her unless she’s willing to call out every single other person who’s sexually assaulted/harassed/groped her? Also, why is it always on the woman to call out every instance of sleaziness?

Isn’t the “paradigm”... “stop non-consensually grabbing random woman’s genitals, tits and ass holes”? That seems fine.

I know that every time I’ve been groped, it has been such a calming and relaxing experience... /s (obviously).

Not when he makes that fucking gross joke and then squeezes, like the article describes. Hard to argue that’s an accident. “Whoops, I accidentally placed my hand on your ass. Then made a joke about it. Then groped you. All an accident, nothing to see here.”

“To try to put people at ease

Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.

Leon Wieselitier a/k/a pervy Beethoven

““savvie bee”.”

Keep fighting the good fight, Target. Between this and y’all, you know, treating trans people like actual people, I can feel Bill O’s blood pressure going up.

It’s because Thanksgiving is one of the only few American holidays that is meant to bring together all Americans in a non-denominational celebration of the time Native Americans introduced the country to high-fructose corn syrup. It’s truly the tie that binds us.

Instead of trying to sell me Christmas shit in October, Target is trying to sell me Thanksgiving shit for a longer period of time and THEN it will sell me Christmas shit.