
Oh weird, the flags must have reversed in my brain last night.

Pretty sure he just got a team silver though, so I don’t think he’ll be too sad. You all were never getting that gold anyways. :D

No, but seriously why are you not greyed all to hell? Things are slacking around here since I’ve been somewhat absent.

Anyways, some of us didn’t INTEND to get pregnant as olds. We just got drunk one night.

I would keep a baby with Down syndrome, but I definitely don’t judge anyone who makes a different choice. There are other health risks beyond developmental issues. Heart conditions are especially common. The expense of lifelong care is huge. I think you can appreciate and love the contribution of people with Down

I never have any of those things on my person when out shovelling or snowblowing. Door is always unlocked. We get a lot of winter heart attacks in these parts.

Yes, my husband lost a co-worker years back to heart attack while shoveling on his rural property up here in northern BC. That’s always where my mind goes in the winter.

I haven’t read anything else on this, but it might be that he was just doing something on his property and suffered a medical problem or something. Do we actually know it was suicide?

Damn, I’m sorry. I had the two losses four years ago. After that my reproductive system just went freaking haywire. In my case it was severe anxiety fucking with my hormones. Once I finally got help with that, everything started working again. I wish it could be that easy for everyone. I’m 30 weeks through this

Wtf it’s extra important if you are pregnant!

One of my kids never even had a pumped bottle for over a year, but you know what? My hubby would take her from me after night feeds and let me sleep while he got her back to sleep. And you are working? He sure as shit should be letting you have a little sleep in on the weekend. It does get easier to share when you

This is absolutely crushing. Two people who fit like that deserve a lifetime together. I’m so sorry your time was cut short. Internet hugs to you.

You don’t actually have to use an IKEA mattress. They are standard size. We thought we were done with babies so we gave our IKEA mattress to the dog. Now I have to buy a new one for our crib and have found all brands so far to be the same dimensions.

I have a Hemnes cabinet and shelf combo that I absolutely love. And my dining table and chairs are awesome. The table expands to seat a ton of people.

My IKEA crib has adjustable levels though? I love it. It was 120 bucks and is going on to house its third baby.

If this is how I die, I’ll die happy.

We’re taking a little ski getaway next month. I’m not allowed to ski right now, but I’m totally allowed to sit and drink hot chocolate while everyone else skis. Should get a lot of reading done. And only three months left until I pop out this baby. Yay.

I just have to get to the end of tomorrow and it will be my first year basically ever with no panic attacks! Taking charge of my mental health is the best thing I’ve accomplished ever. And I’m being rewarded with my surprise baby as a result. Previously my fertility tanked because of my stressball ways. Never would

We already screwed up. :P

It is pretty neat to always have someone with you. :)