
No, but I’m afraid that a bear will attack me in my own neighbourhood at any time. Lol.

Back when I did my bear safety training we were told that toothpaste could be an attractant. We used to lock up our toothpaste at night with the food, away from the tents at field school.

Another delightful nugget from bear safety

I am on board. I love peaches.

My head did a wtf tilt like this...

Only if you live in a tree house! I’ve got nothing but trees behind my house. This is weird though. Two sets of roaming beasts, just the same.

We used to have a dentist in town called Dr. Payne. Could never bring myself to go there.

When he first got out of the limo, I thought he was a ventriloquist. And then somehow when he wasn’t, things actually got weirder.

Be sure to lay off the avocado toast. That stuff’s a financial killer, or so I hear.

Oh, I can’t afford to buy food but if I get back to work that will solve all my problems. omg why didn’t I think of that?

God, these people have the worst superiority complex. I think they actually think that people choose to be on food stamps because it’s just awesome to get free stuff.

Dude, where did you manage to find on earth that you didn’t know about that???

Seriously. Can we not just keep kids out of these fucking things? Not that I want people hurt in general. But this is just lower than low.

Oh, yeah I would say I was the one who changed less. I have simply learned to manage my anxiety better. My husband though - he had to make big changes. When we got married he was tending towards uptight, mega neat freak, not much empathy. He has learned to mellow so much. He’s learned to support me in my panic rather

I kind of think people can change if they want to. If I hadn’t changed, I’d probably be on the road to divorce. I realized last year that my anxiety was slowly eroding my relationship, so I’ve spent this past year working on me. My husband similarly realized that I was never going to be anxiety-free, so he’s been

First year was definitely not hardest. The hardest years of my marriage were 6-8 and that was because of recurrent pregnancy loss and the mental issues that we had to deal with surrounding that. Fortunately year 10 has been nothing short of amazing.

I also don’t get why the first year would inherently be so hard. But

Lol. This happens at my in-laws place. That and rogue alpacas. I mean we have the moose and bears wrecking everything, but I can’t really blame that on a person. Oh wait - I can blame the bears on that one asshole who refuses to lock up his garbage.

Personally I’m not opposed to barky dogs. I had a barker and I worked with her to stop her from barking at the everyday stuff (like the neighbours who are always there). But I kind of loved when she barked at something unusual. I’m pretty sure she was the reason we never got broken into when we lived in our old

I don’t think it will sell quickly. They are listing for nearly 700k. That’s steep for my city. Hopefully they don’t give up and decide to stay.

Do you have an animal control person you can call? That sounds really shitty.

I used to have an escape artist dog. He was kind of incredible. He could scale a six foot tall fence, no problem. And he’d do it while we were in the yard with him. He even kept doing it when we got super desperate and electrified the fence. We worked on that for a good six months before we finally decided to find a

Are the ones in your neighbourhood a giant Rottweiler and massive Bernese Mountain Dog in similar states of obesity?

Pro: don’t move quickly. Con: hard to move when caught.

Or my neglectful neighbours with the wandering dogs? They need to gtfo.

omg I really don’t want to start shit with my neighbours, but I’ve rounded up their dogs off the street for the fifth goddam time this week. They just leave them outside knowing full well they can break out of their yard. AAAAAAHHH!

They are selling their house, thank goodness. I don’t have the energy to keep chasing