
I had a weird dream that I met Prince William at some sort of a party last night and he took a fancy to me. So maybe it’ll be me! :D I’m kind of like a royal sibling.

I have a dog that eats slugs. Maybe I should rent her out.

Personally I think slugs are kind of cute, but this is my worst nightmare because my kids would NEVER go outside again.

You have no idea how much I hate that I’m here telling you that your plan is brilliant and thank you for caring about your kiddos so much. Also considering carrying a couple lollipops in my purse just in case I need to keep my own kids quiet in an emergency sometime.

I would bet a lot of money on this.

What possible reason could a person have for carrying out their murder-suicide in front of a bunch of little kids who have nothing to do with whatever their stupid problem might be? Fuck this. I mean not that it’s ever okay for a dude to be shooting someone, but what. Why like this? Just to make it more horrific for

The only person I know who doesn’t have to pay more for cancellation is my husband, but that’s his prize for taking 200 flights a year. :P

I don’t know what airlines you are on, but the ones I fly require you to pay a hell of a lot more for a ticket if you want a cancellation option. The bigger issue would be flights not getting there for other reasons so connections are missed, but I think our other airline manages to balance that out with not having to

Lol. Apparently airline apologists are a thing.

This is weird because there are two really big airlines in Canada. One overbooks and one does not (their policy is that they only bump passengers if a mechanical situation or something of that nature requires a change to smaller plane). The fares are the same. Because ain’t nobody getting their money back if they

Aaaaawww. Look at those two. I’m so sorry. These are mine when they were younger. Kallie was Tiny’s surrogate mother.

This is an amazingly kind offer. Only if you really want to. I’d love one though.

Yes, the guilt of not knowing sooner is eating me up. But with three cats you’re going to get some barf here and there, and the litter box clues are generally not available. My older two are going to have regular blood work starting immediately. My dude cat had his done when he had a tooth extraction last month. My

Oh, I’m so sorry. That’s way too soon to say goodbye. :(

Damn, that’s shitty. My kids are homeschooled so they were with me at the vet. Having just lost one of their dogs, I think it was both harder and not as hard on them if that makes sense. They are getting used to their pets dying. :/

Timing could have been worse though because I had been intending on leaving the cats at

The only good thing about flying that much is the airlines actually give a shit about you. So he was delayed on a flight last week and was going to miss his connections. When he got off the first plane there was an Air Canada employee standing there with a sign with his name on it and a cart. They had automatically

Thank you. I am sorry for your loss as well.

Hugs are just what’s required, thanks. And yes, it was all very peaceful. We had good snuggles. And she gave me the look to let me know it was okay. :(

Qualicum! My husband and I both grew up there and his parents are still there. Trying to figure out how to get back there permanently one day. I’d love for my kids to go to school there.

Despite my super shitty and stupid week, I have not allowed myself to just go batshit crazy and eat a bunch of junk. I finally found a diet that seems to work with my anxiety meds and I’m super proud of myself for not eating all the cake this week.

I can’t share Chinese with you. That’s the downside.