
I also have three cats with kitty litter paws and all five pets seem to time their barfs so that someone is always barfing. Then there are the children. Basically I should just burn the house down every day and start anew.

I don’t and I tell myself it’s for cleanliness, but then the dogs go out and come and drag their feces feet all over the house, sooooo....

Meh. I’m good enough with my hypoallergenic cover. I’m brutally allergic to dust mites and have not had a problem. Also I don’t want to risk ruining them. They weren’t cheap. I am a fancy pillow enthusiast.

Just yesterday my mum was all, “Try to stay calm. This is why they have a judicial branch. The courts will take care of this.”

She has the most honourable “how I got fired” story ever.

More proof of the Twilight Zone.

Yes, that is what I heard as well. So it was speculation with some basis in something. I know how easy it is to smuggle them. People up here do it all the time (fortunately most of them are otherwise law-abiding) to add to their collections. Bizarre thing to collect, if you ask me.

I don’t think that’s small.

Purely speculative based on descriptions I heard. That’s why I used the words “suspect” and “sounds like”. Did not even quantify the shooters because we don’t know that for sure either.

I hate that the focus is on the race/religion, etc. of the shooter. The VICTIMS were all Muslims. That is what really matters right now.

We do. Unfortunately some illegal weapons sneak across the border. I suspect that’s the case here as it does not sound like the shooter(s) used hunting rifles.

My heart is well and truly broken. Tomorrow my children and I and some friends will be meeting outside our local mosque with messages of love. I encourage others to do the same. Build bridges, not walls.


I know my MP personally, so this easy to accomplish. :)

We have Air Canada and WestJet. I will do that. I know they were complying yesterday.

Last night I walked down an extra long mega staircase in the local art gallery, totally wasted, on heels, holding my purse in one hand and a full glass of beer in the other. ME FOR PRESIDENT. BOW DOWN TO ME, STAIR MINIONS.

I think he’s for real. My stepdad used to drive for him. He’s not evil. We don’t agree on mostly everything, but I believe this is legit.

Too easy. We don’t even have uber where I live.

I really wish I was an immigration lawyer right now. I’d feel so much more useful. But I have a friend who is one and I will be talking to him re:this.

Winter is coming, assholes.