
Have you been recently? The mills have cut down on the stank significantly in the past ten years. Of course I live outside of the bowl so it’s not a problem for me anyways. I’m in the area around the university. We have trees and critters and clean air and it’s just gorgeous.

But they aren’t choosing between one or the other - they are on a tour. And to be honest, I like them pretty equally. I got married in Victoria. I grew up on the island. It’s lovely. But it also has its downsides. Personally if I was choosing somewhere on the island, it would be around Parksville/Qualicum. Much nicer.

Yes, I see the pics now.

God, I didn’t even think of it that way. That’s messed up. Maybe they are hoping he will abdicate. On account of the tyranny.

Yes, but there’s a town on Haida Gwaii that’s still called Queen Charlotte though.

I’m thinking maybe it hasn’t happened yet? Maybe? It’s day time over there so today is their today? I don’t know.

Blah blah blah hate. He could totally go to Lheidli T’enneh park and ride the Little Prince train in his shirt and then sample some of the Frozen Paddle’s finest local ice cream. That’s a good time right there. It’s even pretty!

The thing is that’s only kind of true. It was kind of named after two separate royals and also just kind of random. It was weird. The townspeople voted for the name.

Oh, you’ve *been* there have you? I live there and I’m kind of glad it has a bad rap. It’s an awesome place to live all surrounded by beauty and I wouldn’t want it to get too crowded because the traffic would get bad. Although maybe then we’d get a better movie theatre. But still I’d rather have the good traffic.

And they made this big deal out of the fact that Princess Charlotte is going to Queen Charlotte. That was sort of an extra bit of salt in the wound. And it’s dumb because it’s not super likely that she’s going to be queen.

Hat game was on point.

Prince George also snubbed my city of Prince George by not including us on the tour. We are all beneath him. I’m kind of glad I’ll likely be dead before he’s king. Bound to be a ruthless tyrant.

So a living, breathing, feeling child is punished because of a parent’s mistakes and you don’t feel that you need to help in any way. Pleasant. Everything that is wrong about the pro-life stance.

Tea spit.

LOL. How many non-killed born children have you adopted?

I’m smiling at your name because my childhood doggie was Baggins. :)

They called her a Cariboo Special (Cariboo being the area of BC that I was in). Mom apparently looked more Aussie Shepherd, but she’s definitely a Heinz 57. So far her personality is more on the chill side, but who knows?

Oh yes, my wee doggie has been a big help to me. She’s the best therapy ever. :)

You can’t possibly think I’m going to believe that you created “Fuck Squid” to help this person. Good lord. Well, I’m going to do what others are apparently incapable of doing and ignore the rest of this.

We added the second dog kind of to help me get over repeat pregnancy loss. This is maybe not a great reason to add a pet, but it worked well. So for a couple years we had our older rottie and younger wee dog and then when our rottie passed away we all just felt kind of weird about not having two dogs. My husband likes