
Nope, do not know what town that is. The wand making appears to be popular.

I think his hang up is she’s still physically able to go for walks. But I can tell she’s in a ton of pain. The painkillers are not known to work well and it’s in her head. I’m sure she has a chronic headache. If I had two months left to live but I was going to have a horrid headache the whole time, I’d choose to not

No. Osteosarcoma where she has it is not even remotely surviveable. They can’t operate on it. Chemo alone might buy a few months, but she’s so miserable I don’t think it’s worth it. I’m pretty sure she has metastasic tumours in her lungs now. I’m trying to convince my husband to set a date with the mobile vet so we

I'm on a no booze kick. I think I'll have some of my creme brûlée rooibos tea.

I didn’t pre-order because I was supposed to be gone for a month right now. But then the dog thing happened. So I could have pre-ordered. Sigh. Bookstore assures me I will be able to buy a copy tonight. They must have lots.

That’s really funny if you see my last post! Ha. I was fine when I hopped on again! I'm too scared to ride on the road though. Thinking about getting a bike for the trails around my house. Seems safer.

I thought I forgot how to ride a bike (it had been almost 20 years), but it turns out you really do remember that shit. Did you just never have a bike as a kid?

Definitely 3.

I think there’s supposed to be a wand maker at ours, but my daughter’s wand already chose her. Ha. I guess I’ll just have to get one for me!

My four year old learned how to ride a bike on our camping trip last weekend! :D That was exciting. My big accomplishment was my first plane trip since my string of panic attacks. I was totally fine. And my friend who went with me was freaking out so I had to calm her down through the turbulence. Lol. We were rewarded

It’s Harry Potter night! My local bookstore is doing a midnight release party. I’m taking my kid because I’m probably insane. Needed something fun to do after spending all week looking after my sick doggy. Stupid osteosarcoma.

I have an ensuite and the door is right across from the foot of the bed. My phone is hardly ever even charged, so I can't rely on it for that.

Wild turkeys seem like they could be mean though, if they get cranky enough.

I don't know. We both have dogs. I just also have bears and moose all around me.

I'm like your grandma but I'm only 34.


I do. Pretty well. Neither of my children ever found the flashlight. They've managed to get into my gmail and delete things, but never the flashlight.

Umm, no. That's when the bears come out.

Right? I didn't know either! But she wanted everyone to hold their phones up for one song (it looked really cool) and that was the moment I realized I had no clue.

Probably the same way I’ve had my phone for four years and didn’t know how to put the flashlight thingy on until a friend showed me at the Adele concert last week.