
Oh, I agree. I'm just arguing against the idea that no adult should EVER wear a romper. They have their place.

No. I am a 34 year old woman and that is all I wore in Cuba. Bikini, romper, comfort. What can I say? I like onesies.

You know I’m googling glitzy rompers now.

Some people here have camping style bonfire weddings, so I’m giving the benefit of the doubt I guess? Or maybe it’s a really glitzy romper? I hope. I have seen and worn classy jumpsuits at/to nicer events, so maybe classy rompers are a thing.

Maybe my opinion would be different if I didn’t know a few miserable multimillionaires. Or maybe if I was struggling financially or something. My husband and I get invited to events with his multimillionaire boss. We fly in the private plane. We eat whatever we want at the fancy restaurant. We hang out in the

This might surprise you, but not everyone would. I definitely have no interest in that lifestyle and I don't think I'd be a happier person just because I had millions of dollars. I kind of like just being an average person doing average things.

I totally had that friend and I’m very relieved we both found someone else. Still love the guy, was happy to be in the audience at the wedding.

My uterus is celebrating in the most painful way possible. Quiet down in there!

And the weird thing is that I have zero risk factors for any of this stuff. No family history, low blood pressure, female, young, normal cholesterol, no diabetes, never smoked, rarely drink, physically active, etc. I just don't get it.

I have no idea what an echocardiogram entails, so a little reassurance that way would be great. I'm kind of terrified, but my dance teacher reminded me tonight that unlike so many organs in the body, hearts are machines and machines can be fixed. That made me feel much better.

This is sneaky and awesome and it makes me kind of giddy. Drones: I no longer despise you.

I'm a regular Peggy Olsen. Although I'm not sure this is an item that should be promoted....

I know this all logically. I jus haaaate the whole thing. And I’m pretty powerless up here in Canada! But my husband has a work visa for down there and spends half his time there, so I feel very much affected. We’d like to be able to live there half time, but he doesn't want to bring us down because of shit like this.

I totally took mine in bed. I’m just not cut out for that shit. FortunateLy I sleep fine almost all the time. What happened with me was I fell asleep all fine and dandy and then I woke up a couple hours later and the horror began. Lol.

You’re so lucky. My doctor told me that he took it once and he thought he slept, but actually he slept-walked an entire day. He even drove around and hung out with his son and he remembered NOTHING. I always wondered who it actually worked for. I guess it's WinglessVictory from the Internet!

Yes! It made me think my bedroom furniture was alive and trying to kill me! Anything is possible with Ambien.

Yeah, like I don’t really have a problem with hunting rifles, but I just wish there were no guns ever. :P

That is complete and utter bullshit.

I am so FUCKING over this. Fucking take all the fucking guns and fucking burn them. My husband has hunting rifles. He doesn’t need them that bad. Fuck all this motherfucking bullshit. I have to take my damn Birkenstocks off at airport security, but fucking suspected terrorists can buy guns legally.

On/off topic, I might have a heart condition and it’s freaking me the fuck out. Seems no one bothered to tell me I have ECGs going back YEARS that have t wave depression suggesting anterior ischemia. Now I have to to get all these tests done.