
But see this isn’t a weird thing, this is a thing that ends relationships. Super normal!


I think the conclusion should be “shitty men in positions of power do shitty things”? Or maybe there is something to be said about boutique expensive yoga centered on some cultish leader that lends itself to abuse?

While it’s easy to imagine why any father would go out of their way to save their daughter, the narrative definitely contrasts with recent news. As previously reported, Jamie Spears was almost the subject of a restraining order brought about by Britney Spears’s ex-husband Kevin Federline. The former dancer claimed

Just because she only had the dog one year doesn’t make it less awful. It is still heartbreaking and it is still losing an animal you spend so so much of your time with.

Nah, man. People who have pets and genuinely love them and form a connection — you know when something’s wrong. I had a cat who greeted me every single morning, and the day he didn’t, I went to find him, and he was sick. After two animal hospitals and a specialist, I found out he had Parvo, and he didn’t make it.

You've never had a dog, or a pet? Or did you get up this morning an decide to be an arsehole? Ffs!

I just want to say that for all the snarky, rudely written articles I’ve endured on this website, the tone of this one is now my least favorite. Even the title comes across as incredibly insensitive and mocking towards her very real pain. As someone still mourning the death of my dog, who was the most precious

Look, I hope that Sanders does live a long and healthy life, I really do.

It is frustrating because I love AOC’s fire and positions. But the simple fact is that Clinton put forth more successful legislation in her political career than Bernie Sanders did in his much longer one is telling.  You can be the perfect politician and say all the right things but if you don’t actually get

So what’s wrong with asking for a participation trophy for helping to implement something as noble as CHIP? I imagine your biggest achievement in your life is being the first poster for this article. And what do you do with that opportunity? Something good? Uplifting? Insightful? Something that brings people together?

Exactly right. Like trump devotees, for some reason old white Bernie really fires up a certain type of crowd. And I’ll never get it because if you do any research on him, he’s done exactly nothing of substance as a politician, like trump. And yet, here we are. 

She owes him. He gave her the platform, advice, shone a spotlight on her and Warren and others didn’t. Of course she would endorse him.

I really wish that people would do their research on Sanders; he has in fact not consistently held the same positions through out his career. If you are going to demand a purity test that a candidate must be woke from birth, apply that standard to Sanders as well.

Being a career politician for 40 years and accomplishing almost nothing and not even being a public figure until, oh, 4 years ago...isn’t something he “has” over Warren. Besides, she’s actually been working as a Democrat for longer than Bernie Sanders has. I don’t see why he deserves the nomination for this party more

I think Bernie has some serious problems when it comes to race, from him saying the N word to his team hiring this guy, either he or his team just keeps fumbling and making it really awkward to support him as a person of color. Obviously, if he is the primary candidate he has my vote, but my hope is for Warren to win

Agreed. AOC often talks like her allies (democratic socialists, I guess?) are the first to take on these really big fights, when she’s standing on the shoulders of others. It’s not just that Hillary Clinton deserves credit for CHIP. It’s that CHIP was the compromise position after Hillary was unsuccessful in getting

Hey Ashley! I get what you’re saying - and, in general, I think this story is great and really well-written. I’m quibbling because I think Tanden was throwing (deserved) shade at Bernie as someone who talked a big game as a Senator but didn’t actually do shit, whereas Hillary talked a big game and actually did shit.

If we are going to demand Elizabeth Warren address problematic surrogates then we sure as hell better deman Bernie address his own problematic history when it comes to race. 

I think you’re being kinda unkind to Tanden. What she’s saying is that it’s weird for AOC to credit Bernie with CHIP - the program AOC says she specifically benefited from - when CHIP’s passage is really due to Hillary, who worked harder on defining both the actual radical content of the bill and on ensuring it had