
This is bad, just plain bad.

If Hillary Clinton wants to troll Gabbard, I’m fine with it.  Fuck Gabbard.

The aforementioned image is like when Mitch McConnell tried to reprimand Elizabeth Warren with the statement “Senator Warren was giving a lengthy speech. She had appeared to violate the rule. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.” which she turned around and printed on t-shirts and

He shared it because he truly believes the world sees all women the way he does. As either fuck toys or shrill harpies. He literally can not imagine a world where a woman looks strong in the face of adversity. 

Really don’t think these are comparable hostile environments.

she has given in to #impeachthemotherfucker against her wishes because it has become the majority opinion (Blind squirles and all...).

The optics of what makes this photo catnip for the Badass™ Woman™ This Is My Fight Song™ people whose heads aren’t up their own asses is clear.

I particularly enjoy the generals and men to Trump’s right who look utterly defeated and ashamed.

You have completely missed the point of why this is so inspiring to many of us.  It may not strike you in the same way, but you can’t take it away from those that find this inspiring. 

This is the second time this week a woman doing something amazing has been minimized as simply “doing her job” (the first being Biden in the debates).

I disagree.  By her USING that power is what is driving this.  So many have it, so few use it.  She has it, she is using it, and I applaud her. 

He’s patronized and insulted her because she’s a sassy vagina owner. All of his minions are terrified of him, but she is not. The pointed finger brings us joy. Calling him out as Putin's bitch brings us joy. 

Thank you. I was just about to write something similar.
“Feeling nothing” doesn’t make you cooler or more woke than those of us who were moved by the image and remembered every single time we were in a similar situation, the lone woman in a room full of men summoning the courage to call bullshit. Is it progress that

My connection with this photo isn’t what’s in it specifically, but that Trump attacked her with it and she made it her twitter background. That’s a smooth move to me.

I’m not moved by your ambivalence. That’s a room full of men who all should be ashamed of themselves and one person standing up and saying no to the big fat baby, is a woman.

I am not quite moved by a still of Pelosi simply doing her job

You’re a killjoy.

She has FAR more power than anyone of any gender in the House. She’s the Speaker of the House. At the moment she wields more power than any Democratic politician in government. To say otherwise is ridiculous. 

When was the last time you sat in a conference room full of men (literally, 16+ to your one), and had to stand up for what was right and call bullshit?  She ain’t a superhero, but for fucks sake she stands for every goddamn one of us that was in that position and COULD NOT stand up because it would have been the end

I despise short videos that can be described with 2 paragraphs.  It clutters up the web, and makes it so I cannot read a quick article in 20 seconds.