
The scene with the Fiery Bull took years off my life. 


Ah! As I become more knowledgeable and better read, I just assumed it was a riff on Shangri-La. It doesn’t matter - the whole spore rocket thingies and the weird fungus snake people were total nonsense.

Flint had a very sexy voice. Just sayin’.

Yeah, when they got into the Cobra-La snake people, all bets were off. The creation of Serpentor was a dark harbinger. I didn’t mind Zartan, I could live with his Dreadknocks, and I was even willing to give Tomax and Xamot a pass, but Serpenter was a bridge too far.

Me too!

Flint had the beret. 

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

Wonderful article! My mother forced us all to make our beds every morning (or as she would say “dress your bed!”). We also changed the linens every Saturday.

Wonderful article! My mother forced us all to make our beds every morning (or as she would say “dress your bed!”). We

Everyone tends to forget that! Hillary won 65,853,514 votes! People didn’t balk at voting for a woman! It’s galactically infortunate fluke of geography that she isn’t our president now. The majority of Americans who voted voted for her.  

I think that Senator Harris is marvelous, but it would seem that California is in the bag for Uncle Joe (or any Democrat). Senator Klobuchar purportedly has some appeal to a vast stripe of the middle of the country. I suspect he’ll pick her.  

Well, it’s better than feeling Kit Fisto in.

Once on a return flight from Jamaica to JFK, I ended up sitting next to a woman who was transporting a large fish that was incompletely wrapped in tin foil. Like the head and eye exposed on one end and the tail flopping out the other. Not refrigerated either. I have to imagine that she was not permitted through

that was so evocatively written.

I watch this show mostly for Michelle Gomez’ astounding hair and the sexy, retro outfits that they give her character.

I always haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaated the Voyager. It looks like a really big spoon (or an upside-down shoehorn), and lacked any of the elegance and style of other Star Fleet ships.

I dunno, I kinda like it. It looks like a hammerhead shark version of a Star Fleet vessel, recognizable as Star Fleet, but it looks more lethal and powerful. The low-slung nacelles on those trusses gives it almost a fighter jet aspect.

Bringloidi! That was in-show plural, nor Bringloids.


This wins. The delivery was awesome, too!