
Well, in fairness, I am miles away…

Aw, how nice! That's a really lovely story, I've never met anyone really famous, but I've seen so many things online of beloved, iconic actors who are horrible at conventions and stuff, so that's super sweet that he was so…normal :-) Yeah, I knew about his wife - did you know that to play Stravinsky he learned how to

Do it, dude, that's awesome

Also genius :D

Hahahaha genius

Oh my gods, don't, he is so just a beautiful killer animal in that movie, like a human panther…I read an interview with him where he talked about how hard it was to film, and how at the end of the day the rest of the cast and crew would all sit around drinking and laughing, but how he was just too fully 'in' his

Aw, nice to know he's nice in real life. He's also been married to the same woman for ages (lucky lady!). Agreed about his presence, he just sets the room on fire whenever he's onscreen

I would throw myself off Vanessa's cliff! Yup, Brona's been a victim from the outset…let's hope as Lily she goes on a rampage and wipes out half of London

Hahahaha, well as one lady to another let me apologise by tapping you gently with my fan

Yeah, it is an assault, so binge watching only compounds that sensation of brain violence….Lucky you didn't dismember and eat anyone. The show should come with a warning:
"Will fuck you up if you watch too much at once"
…and how many tv shows can anyone say that about…? Apart from this one…? I can't think of one

Bet you Hannibal even drools elegantly

Haha, yeah, I know what you mean, time with Hannibal is like holding your hand in the candle flame…you wouldn't want to do it for too long, else it will scar…same way, we can't handle spending 6 whole eps with Hanny & Bedeels without some comic relief…
(although quite a big part of me also wants to see the pair of

Ha! Yay! Happy to help

Kinda like that

Oh, Beverly. I saw some of Gunther Von Hagan's work recently, slices of a man, wafer thin testicle slices included, there were like 3 person-sized sections on slides, side by side, just like Beverley, you could see every vein and blood vessel, down to the individual cells… and all I could think was "Poor Beverly ended

I don't think Hannibal made her kill a patient, exactly, I think Hannibal wound up Sylar like a top, aimed him at Bedeels and then let him go (whereon Bedeels killed him by literally jamming her fist down his throat) - so I think Hannibal manipulated her into killing a patient, deliberately

Well, not and binge Hannibal. But, otherwise, yes, absolutely, DO binge on LSD

Ha! Yeah, another commentor on here said how it really isn't a show to binge-watch cos of being too dark and unhappy and miserable to do in 6 hour chunks, with which I think we all concur; and naturally, I have the FEAR for Bedeels (I am totally going with that as a nickname), but at the same time, if they want to